Friday, December 24, 2010

Ymca Gay Cruising In Greensboro

paths Acting

Organised by 'Association and with the sponsorship LuMinAnDa
the Directorate of Youth Policy of the Municipality of Como

rio theater for young people aged 14 to 18 years

Duration from February 2011 to June 2011
Frequency a weekly schedule from 17 to 19
Place Multipurpose Area c / o ex OOPP San Martino, Via Castelnuovo No. 1, Como.

Cost eu ro 50 a month. Discount
el 10% to the holders of Como Youth Card

expressive movement from the Character
Path acting adult

Duration from February 2011 to June 2011
frequency 1 time per week Evening Hours
Place Multipurpose Area c / o ex OOPP San Martino, Via Castelnuovo No. 1, Como.

Cost eu ro 55 a month. Discount
el 10% to the holders of Como Youth Card


Theatre Workshop for children aged 14 to 18 years

During the workshop, participants will be led to discover art Stage and its languages.
The laboratory offers an experience in which everyone becomes in effect the main character of creation. Each is actively involved in making a living instrument of communication and knowledge. The interest is to live the "difference" of the theater from the other channels of communication: its preciousness, its diversity, the mystery of the "present moment". The laboratory becomes a protected space in which free energy, share and open up on a trip to the free creation and use of imagination. A place where it is important to listen to others and be heard, where everyone understands the opportunity to express themselves outside reviews, competitions, stereotypes.

expressive movement from the Character
Path acting adult

The course will focus on education and the expressiveness of the body on stage. The actor as a body in action, as expressive voice, as a vehicle and creator of messages. You will be trained body awareness, concentration, confidence and respect in the scene.

The lessons include:

- Relaxation techniques;
- Work sensory
- impulse and motion;
Concentration - the actor and the stage
- l ' actor to another;
- Study and analysis of the text;
- Techniques for storing the text;
- improvisation on the text;
- Study and work on the character.

the paths will lead with assistance from Ivan Franceschini Chiara Gismondi .
Read the biographies here.

INFORMATION info.luminanda @ + 39 3396589718
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Messenger Mac Screen Name

Why a blog on the Internet

Dear readers,

you do 'the welcome to my blog and the first post written entirely by me.

First of all, let me briefly explain what I intend to do in this space.

addition, clearly explain what are the motivations that led to my job in politics and especially for a "new" part as that of La Forza Civic, I also outline what to do if I was elected and above all give you the opportunity to interact with me, albeit virtually.

My plan, as you will see and how you read the very first post - that was nothing but an article published on the website of the party - is aimed mainly at young people Ticino (but would certainly also many benefits to most adults).

Why I chose the medium "internet"? For various reasons, including:

1. Although the Internet is a much "dangerous", can be reached by all. As I address the youth especially, are sure to be the most appropriate means of communication;

2. Although I am on the side of the printed newspaper and I think that we should preserve this right, "I still think about the election campaigns orbiting a very big business, the which I decided not to join.

3. It is an immediate means, to which I have access to almost anywhere and you'll never wait long for my answer to your question.

I hope to hear from you soon for questions or information of various kinds. In addition, I welcome your stories of life from which I am sure that we can draw lessons and inspiration for a better communication.

of respect for the holiday season, I decided not to update this blog until after 12/27/2010.

For now, I am attaching a postcard addressed to you all.

Elisa Maiorano
candidate for the Grand Council for the Civic Force, April 2011

White Flaky Skin On Dog

The determination and the ideas of a girl with attributes: "I'm tough and I'll prove it" - article about appeared there. 17.12.2010. It is only an introduction.

Young, ambitious and highly motivated. Elisa Maiorano, born in 1984, is a candidate for the elections in the United Force Civic Council in April 2011 with all its grit. A graduate in communication sciences, is a writer and singer. But he has also worked for years in the security industry. She was born in Val di Blenio and this makes it very close to the periphery. We propose, here, his thoughts in a nutshell. Elisa's what he would do if were to be elected.

Youth and Recreation:
My project is mainly aimed at young people. I think they are the future and therefore it is right that should be protected in their rights and interests in different spheres of society and their own lives.
Take for example the field of entertainment, which is essential for psychological well-being of every person. Unfortunately, in Ticino - repeatedly described as "a country for old men" - there are many facilities aimed at young people, such as a recreation center Cantonale giving the possibility to express themselves in various areas of the arts, perhaps by hiring local tests with equipment supplied for low fares.
remember that Ticino is a very fertile ground for art in general. Just think of all the talented musicians who are in our region. Some prophets were not at home, precisely because there are many structures to to host live music and there are those that are not valued as it should. See, for example, a history like the grotto of Pasinetti Gorduno called "Birthplace of the Blues in Ticino" put at risk by reducing exemptions. Let us remember that the artists who live and are able to operate in the area are also those that build the cultural identity of a particular place. This speech, applies not only to young people then, but for an older audience.

Staying in the juvenile, let us remember also the problem of transportation. For a young person living in the city is relatively easy to succeed go party, even late at night, because it can safely return home on his legs. Think of those who live in the suburbs or even in the valleys: there are no shuttle services or public transport to ensure the movement of young people, especially during major events are organized. Of course there's the taxi, but as long a run of just eleven kilometers - in Lugano - costs more than seventy francs is not very inviting. And this speech, like the previous one, may well be extended to adults. Think of those who every day must take the postal bus to go to work. It often happens that the races are canceled, there are no delays and that passengers are not well informed about the same hours or on routes that are to achieve a certain goal. And we think the costs of these services that are not even clean ... We believe that, although there are annual subscriptions as the Rainbow, a boy, for example Blenio Valley, who goes to study in Bellinzona, must spend more than a thousand francs per annum . And if there are more children in the family to send in Bellinzona? The costs increase. And the service is impeccable and in addition, there are no coincidences useful and convenient for a guy who is out of the seven in the morning until twelve hours later.
Well, my plans are focused on these points, and of course all that goes with it. Even the tourists who visit each year would be happy to see it work better transportation ...

's why I chose the Civic Force:

I really like this way of seeing politics as a union of forces for the common good. Especially I like the idea of \u200b\u200brevolutionizing the concept of voting. The political party is no longer a priority for the person. I find it essential for candidates that are anchored to the land and people who know the needs of the people.
Who knows the real problems of people's who finds himself having to tighten the belt every month, who must be a two hour drive to get to work every day because there are not enough public transportation, the valley is the guy who wants to get around town but unable to do so due to lack of public transport, and the average family pays more than a thousand francs a month for health insurance. And so on and so forth. There are plenty of issues to resolve, but these problems only knows who is confronted with them frequently. And the problem is known in practice that we find - and find - the solution.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

38.25 X 11.25 Poster Frames

The Leopards ... and the question of "rubbish" to watch over the emergency

Monday, December 27 at 18 in the church of San Nicola in Mondragone back to the Magistrate Dr. Raffaele Cantone at the invitation of the Presidium of Freedom "Federico Del Prete. The occasion was the unveiling of the new book State of the court entitled "The Leopards - men of honor and white-collar workers: the metamorphosis of the Mafia in Italy today." The theme of the evening is "The Leopards ... and the question of "rubbish". " The opportunity is ripe to consider an overlooked aspect Camorra infiltration in public life and to make a point on the perennial question of the waste situation in our country, confronting with a director who stands for effectiveness of the choices: the Mayor of Salerno Vincenzo De Luca. After the greetings of the Mayor of Mondragone Dr. Don Lorenzo Achille Cennamo will moderate Langella. With this initiative, the local garrison of Freedom reaffirms the need to address these issues for too long evaded the national debate and raises the need for everyone to choose a side.

Friday, December 10, 2010

What Kind Of Doctor Will Treat Bursitis

For young people there is no room either on the tree ...

The issue opened in Chiasso on the decoration of the tree located in Piazza Bernasconi, decoration awarded to local middle school, is so ridiculous in terms of how bad deeds in its political aspect.
fact, some people close to the environments leaguers, a few weeks ago with drawn sword defending the freedom of expression in the face of propaganda posters for the IT initiative UDC against foreigners, thought they could have the right to step in turn freedom of expression of middle school students. This is because the students wanted to express their thoughts in the Piazza, decorating T-shirts with writing the Christmas tree, a smart new way to go beyond the usual bottles and garlands, to send a message. No offense, no word "heavy", only phrases praising the respect and solidarity, those sound principles which many remember only at Christmas, but it seems to bother anyone in this period.
We are therefore faced with an act of vandalism of a few, for pupils and teachers who have worked on for months, looking for an original idea el'hanno produced. All this work destroyed, disfigured, crushed by those who believe they can always tell her and rely on it as law. A Chiasso you can.
The Municipality, in special session, has agreed with these people disrespectful. Perhaps a decision dictated by the local political balance, where the League is the good and the bad weather. A decision that leaves a bad taste in my mouth and that is worse than the worst punishment school worse than a rejection. The boys had done their work well and also, finally was able to ensure that young people their say, they entered the Agora of the town, bringing their thinking. Chiasso This is yet another example of how young people and carry forward the ideas of solidarity, respect and brotherhood to give trouble. I am young and inexperienced so easy to hit even without all the defenses put in place policies. Young people are discriminated against, as we saw with the application of the new law LADI and we see in everyday life with the facts as to Chiasso. Young
casino when they come in handy as a scapegoat and a nuisance when they think and say. A Chiasso thought.
The Municipality has abandoned her children, Chiasso has a political angle in its young people. A Chiasso there is no room for ideas for a different future.
The appeal now goes to the teachers and those close to these guys who have suffered this great wrong. Adults who are with the children must help them acquire those tools that are healthy themselves from this wrong. Help them develop the business, understand and respond intelligently to this vulgar provocation. You have to do for young people, but especially with young people.
For secondary school children in Chiasso goes all my sympathy. Well rip the shirts from the branches, but those ideas .. fly.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Can You Store Chili Seeds

2011 Review Theatre Encounter 2010

Cultural Association LuMinAnDa

First Encounter Review of Theatres

10 and 11 December 2010
Auditorium Gallium-Como


Friday, December 10, 2010 at 11 am

Performance of bodily expression

With Amedea Aloisi, Simone Rossi, Stefano Lunardi

choreography Ela Franscella

Company Mops_DanceSyndrome

ATELIER followed by a demonstration on the art and engaging
and the work of the dancer.

In stage and life with its moments of passion, sadness and frenzy, of loneliness and dreams.

Mops_DanceSyndrome is a young independent Swiss company Dance, directed by choreographer Ela Franscella that will put the movement and the dancing body in the middle of their work.

The three dancers, Amedeo Aloisi, Simon Lunardi, Stefano Rossi, all have one thing in common: trisomy 21. The company has begun to exist in 2008 in Canton Ticino, after several years of hard work, and feel ready now to open up new horizons for sharing, national and intenazionali. For this occasion will present a performance body of expression that will emotion on stage, meaning, presence and poetry and will a studio demo. http://www.mopsdancesyndrome. Com
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Friday, December 10, 2010 at 21

Company Jesters of Gulliver

Collective creation of the company.

Dramaturgy and Direction and Prisca Mornaghini Antonello Snipes

With Giulia Bellomo, Louise Grob, Miriam Kotlaris, Aida Ilic, Catherine Longchamp, Sara Longhi, Beatrice Wolf, Lucia Messina, Prisca Mornaghini, Ursula Rampoldi, Rosanna Schipani, Natasha Tettamanti, Emma Tognola, Monica Tognola, Lorenzo Bernasconi, Mario Cavallo , Antonello Snipes, Matthew Gusberti, William Hug, Claudio Riva

The show does not speak of childhood.

The show is created thanks to the evocative force of the word "childhood", and provided that this term means to be human is not about the past, nostalgia or regret, is Rather, to affirm the beauty and the awareness of the responsibility that has its roots in childhood.

A call to "remember" exactly the same way in which we must not forget the horrors of adulthood.

Our company is an expressive theatrical laboratory in which they interact with each other volunteers and professionals in the arts, both in the educational, professional volunteers and people with disabilities.

E 'integral part of socio-cultural association "Jesters Gulliver's .

The company has been operating for seven years, and is formed by a three theatrical experiences developed in the social sphere: Club 74 (the animation group Sociopsichiatrica Cantonale Organization) with the Company Molecules Oddities; Laboratory Ronchetto (Diamond Foundation), with the Company Eciccio; Jesters Association of Gulliver.

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ore Saturday, December 11, 2010 11

Ass The Neverland

Loosely based on "Cyrano de Bergerac" of Rostand

By Mark Castellano, Roberto Bianchi, Omar Zecca, Benedetto Castelli,
Pedalino Samantha, Erica Anzalone,
Erika Brognoli, Brognoli Silvia, Silvia Papis, Loren Pope, Alessia Salsa.

Directed Anna Buttarelli - Chiara Gismondi

A theatrical journey freely inspired to 'work of Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac" who wants to get through the staging, to bring attention to the theme of communication and 'acceptance of themselves and others.

The spirit of Cyrano is an independent, proud and brave and at the same time you do so at the time of the revelation of the love of his life, the beautiful Roxanne, played in this show by the entire body attorale women, and thus was born 's experience of fiction and theater.

The show was born in a drama workshop with an integrated group of able bodied and disabled children who are working together for years.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 21


Five wretches seeking Dionysus

Company Danz'abile

Creation and Interpretation
Laura Canterbury Tail, Viviana Gysin, Emanuel Rosenberg, Camilla Voegeli, Daniele Zanella

Emanuel Rosenberg

Art Consultancy Support produzionze Giorgio Rossi Ass Stop Palmizi

on stage five people explore the various states of "dionisicità.
The god Dionysus is the god of ecstasy, wine, theater, a mirror of our passions and desires
more or less revealed. The manifestation of a pure life energy, which contains
multiple facets and potential.
sometimes destructive, sometimes creative, sometimes joyful, sometimes brutal, Dionysus is the god of farce. Highly volatile, it is not locked into any definition leaves. The
a world ruled and dominated by reason and by money, the Dionysian force necessary to reshuffle the cards, an energy that may destabilize the chronos to create a sterile fertile chaos.
In the show "Wild Sage" the five performers are in search of the limiting conventions established by society to play and consequently undermine. Starting from the collection, a microcosm - a choir, go to discover the various aspects of the god Dionysus and its effects on human beings.

Danz'Abile The Company Theatre, its third generation, has chosen to address this issue because it coincides with research into the different potentials that are put in motion, once you cross the threshold of habit, to differentiate between handicapped or not. You create a utopia in which all can not undo the diversity but rather values.

Danz'Abile Theatre Company The Company Theatre Danz'Abile "is a professional company of dance-drama and was created in 2005 by Uma Arnese Pozzi, actress, director, dancer and dance therapy. The objectives of the company are to integrate different realities, including people with physical disabilities or other kinds with persons without disabilities, in a research stage in which the language of theater and dance merge and become the instruments that give voice and body to the experiences of each.

aim of our work is not therapy or rehabilitation, although it can be said that the creative work, especially if done in groups, can certainly have a beneficial effect in each case and context in which they take place. It seeks rather to give value to the possibilities of each and allow those who participate to develop their potential and creative expression. Going on stage is a challenge for anyone. The

the "Theater Danz'Abile" would like to highlight the fact that the stage is a special place for conducting a major challenge: that of meeting and collaboration between different realities. The result is an artistic product, a show that gives visibility to integration, promotes the eyes of the community and in this sense, our work also has a social relevance. We are inspired by the words quoted above from Mr. Unwise, and that is the way in which a disabled person to make his personal contribution to society in which he lives.

From our third production, "Wild Sage", The Theatre Danz'Abile has changed the artistic direction by putting it in the hands of Emanuel Rosenberg, dance-actor Dimitri graduated from school and close collaborator of John Smith.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010 from 15 to 17


Organised by 'Ass LuMinAnDa and the boys of Coop. Sociolario

Workshop open to all children with disabilities in which the Coop.Sociolario, already engaged in theatrical activity per week, will welcome anyone who wants experience in art of great emotional intensity.


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For info and reservations :

Mobile + 39 328 6911 940 + 39 338 7872 193

NB: To better handle the event we ask you to book tickets in advance. Thanks.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Does Breakthrough Chicken Pox Look Like

melomerito sure?

New Law salaries I think it can be summed up in one word: Meritocracy. What does this mean? According to the proponents of the bill directs the person who will assess and decide whether its employees are deserving of a reward (bonus, salary increase, etc. ..). The campaign invites you to accept that the headline reads: "The increase, because melomerito." The problem that underlies the proposal, however, is another. How about apples? There is no yardstick or directions to be followed by managers, the choice is entirely subjective and personal. One can well understand that this is a very powerful tool that is put into the hands of the ruling class, the directors and owners. Without the rule meritocracy will always be used in a subjective way, rewarding in this arbitrary manner rather than the other, not to mention the absolute lack of control on the motivations that led to the choice.
this would render meaningless the work itself, because the worker will not be won by force because it works well (and especially those who say it works as well?), But it may be awarded one who obeys slavishly, who does not question his decisions, who is silent, who reports to the head of any malfunction or colleagues who only make the skirt shorter.
Secondly, and perhaps more seriously, is that this value system is completely arbitrary attempts to undermine the solidarity between male and female workers. A merit-based system without control is a chance that the employers expect to blow up any connection, any and all collaboration and synergy among the working class. This will create inequalities, envy and resentment between colleagues, between those who won and who did not, undermining the climate of work, especially if the choice of who is worthy and who's not been done incorrectly, but no one can prove it. Meritocracy is the daughter of this capitalist society voted for profit and personal well-being, the most reckless and selfish individualism.
workers and workers who want to continue to work in a healthy and honest I have to vote NO on this silly law. The working class must respond in a compact and strongly to these attacks, these temptations the spear for bosses only have more control and more power. Not for nothing that the campaign for the law has as its mascot, an apple .. the temptation for excellence. Proponents of this campaign we are telling him plainly made groped by 'growing!
This revision of the law is wrong and salaries based on criteria that the disintegration of the solidarity among workers.
Celameritiamo? I think not.

Smallest Breasts Bollywood

Reacting to right-wing attacks. by

heavy air is breathed in this period in Europe, I feel a strong wind coming from the right, fed by liberal, xenophobia, repression and control. Pension reform in France, the German chancellor's statements that speak of a "multiculturalism failed," the beatings of Sardinian shepherds who show, in Campania fights against people who claim the right to not have to be neighbors of landfills. Not to mention the rise of extreme right forces in countries like Sweden and the Netherlands has always been a social democratic tradition. This is the tragic picture. These threats have answered the best I have been the French, who have shown once again that no coincidence that the Revolution for excellence and the first experience of the Paris Commune have daughters. Italy is subjugated to Berlusconi and Northern Europe, yet it seems we are not aware of the situation.
And in Switzerland? Switzerland has just accepted the umpteenth revision of its anti-social and social insurance is about to vote yet another proposal xenophobic UDC which, step by step, is changing in a brazen and arrogant face of the nation, turning the white cross on a red cross in the opposite, in vogue in the '30s in neighboring Germany.
one where I sincerely hope it is a reaction, not a revolution, but a reaction. We can not wait any longer for us to tell us what are the trade unions do not seem to know it even carried them know, do not want to step on the feet of the master. Needless to hope that some historical party that calls itself progressive face real opposition, with the correlation that persists there is no opposition in Switzerland.
we, male and female workers, students, young and old that we must take our destiny in hand and say NO to these reforms that undermine the social system and solidarity among peoples. NO

isolation of weaker social classes: young people, students, foreigners.
NO to any kind of racial discrimination.
NO to poor working conditions that do not make us get to the end of the month.

These are attacks that brings the wind, and these attacks are called to respond. It is not with the indifference and individualism that the system instructs us from an early age that one will to remain unscathed, indeed, is the lack of interest that can hit harder.
The beginning of this reaction sets the political agenda for the November 28, but from tomorrow we can all begin to react to this situation ... trying to give birth to a breath of fresh air!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Walls Coveralls Vs Carhart

racism in small institutions

In my experience as a city councilor I could deal directly with the issue of naturalization.
Once the request has been submitted by naturalizing the cantonal authorities (who have already viewed and given their approval) to the Town Hall, the latter expressed his opinion and submit it to the Committee on Petitions. The Commission re-examined the case and is expressed in turn issued a report and return it to the City Council, where is any discussion and vote of naturalization. If the Board did not have a unanimous thought, the / members / i against the decision may draw up a minority report which will also be presented to City Council.
not always, however everything runs smoothly in this process, leading to a vote during the session of the City Council. I have unfortunately already seen the "no entry in" about a naturalization petitions asking for the Commission time to collection of new material, to clarify certain aspects of the applicant's past. I also heard of meetings that look more like the sort of interrogation.
In most cases the complications were also sought when the facts do not persist for years or were removed from the Criminal records and then it was clean. Usually this is hypothetical or a fine of fights you want to know why and how, close to the abuse of power.
But why these things on the Committee on Petitions and information? It seems that the cantonal police have as "tradition" to write in a document (which is part of dell'incarto naturalization), all the facts about the naturalizing, even now removed from the judicial record. The serious fact is that this procedure is not required by federal naturalization! .. But never mind what it seems and we go back to what it is.
I think it is dangerously ridiculous hours to discuss whether and how to grant Swiss citizenship to those who request it, especially considering the fact that this application for naturalization has already been checked at the cantonal level and the municipality receives it as acceptable. The impression is that some City Council invested in this position you think you can automatically have the future of people because of what it is. Do not forget that those who apply for naturalization does not do it for fashion, but to improve its social status within the community to be able to be part of it, to find a job more easily and have a salary. The application for naturalization also comes after years in Switzerland and in most cases after having followed a special course. Who am I then to prevent a person to become Swiss? Just because I sit at a desk in a room of City Hall may feel free to turn a person like me to see how much less the same? I am reminded of those poor frustrated school teachers, who used the votes do not contribute to the growth of the student, but to exercise power. This is where you see that among the schools of a city council winds latent a subtle form of racism disguised as patriotism immaculate.
Follow the normal procedure and pursue seriously the task entrusted to us by national law and by the people who voted for us is a duty which we councilors we must not shirk, but do not be ridiculous.
Someone once during a discussion on naturalization, he complained that the candidate speak ill Italian. I like a good Swiss German do not remember anything and chew a little French, Romansh not even know what it is. About the Italian, just look at some characters of the cantonal politics to understand that the correct grammar is also an option between the Swiss Italian speakers.
you climb on mirrors, grooming cards, they look for shadows hidden somewhere in order to have the satisfaction of what? Red cross to deny a passport to a potential criminal? And the Swiss people who commit crimes that we do, we remove him?

Just because the situation is bad enough in itself for those who think there is already set himself up as judge of others, November 28 must send a strong message, with two NO decided otherwise of our Swiss passport one day we might even be ashamed .

Why Do I Have Scabs On The Inside Of My Nose

Young, guests uncomfortable policy

Next spring there will be elections and the first cantonal lists are already prepared. If the Board of State seems to witness a struggle between the "usual suspects", except for some rare bird, the lists of the Grand Council to have some promising young name in them. Yes, because they say well all the evil that you want, but there are young people who are interested in politics. Young people uninterested, apathetic youth, young people are not so lazy and parasites, or rather, not all. The Youth Council held a few months ago or another test. Young people who feel detached from politics because the politicians in turn speaks to them in a detached way, as if that's convenient that young people do not take an interest. If one thinks of the protests of the '60s and '70s, where the student-youth movement was the engine of the events throughout Europe, we deduce that the middle class and conservative in this historical period in power suits for young people to have disinterested unable to organize themselves and to drag the masses. Moreover, in recent times we are witnessing the second phase of a process that does not see young people move away from politics and thus from society, but quite the contrary. The capitalist system in crisis now lies on the weaker classes facendogliele pay for his sins. This is so that young people, foreigners, are labeled as a "public enemies", because socially costly, be punished by measures that tend to isolate them and make them more vulnerable (such as the latest amendment of LADI and the vote of 28.11). It is therefore the young people must become aware of this attack that is taking over them. It is not with the indifference and individualism that the system instructs us from an early age that one will remain unscathed, indeed, is the lack of interest that can hit harder.
that young people need to regain consciousness to have a political role, not only as individual but as a social class, claiming their place in society take hold of the future. The policy now decide the future of tomorrow, and if young people are the future then it means that someone is already decided for them and will continue to do so even after the April elections. Personally, as a "young", I will not leave white paper.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hemo Rage Black Is Steroid

the bells

The Camorra, I will not even talk about it,
I do not mind clowns even able to enlist
(Tommaso Buscetta, interview with Giovanni Falcone)

Matthew Sorrentino, Alert Mondragone was receiving protection money to the La Torre clan traders at the market. Federico del Prete denounced him and was killed 18 February 2002. The next day would begin the process at the local policeman Sorrentino.
On September 27, 2007 reset the control of traffic police in San Cipriano : meetings with offenders, use of private cars and phones. Use of cocaine. In addition, the indictment states: "Giuseppe Iovine with some colleagues, including the commander, would have forced some traders in the area to pay them money, often on a monthly basis." Giuseppe Iovine is a former traffic cop suspended since 1995 by the Prefect of Caserta. It is also the brother of Antonio Iovine: regent, with Michele Zagaria, Casalesi Clan.
Buscetta was right, the Camorra recruits also municipal guards. When I run into this definition of the Camorra, as well as reflect the last bastion of State as being compromised in Campania. Probably the mafia does not need the white helmets. Certainly permeates society, but in a way and a different way.

What then is the mafia today?
echoes the words of Giovanni Falcone, "the Neapolitan Camorra and the Calabrian 'Ndrangheta, the mafia often also defined, they are not unified hierarchical and compartmentalized structure of Cosa Nostra. Both have an organization as it were horizontal. Until maintain a horizontal structure, it will be a little less difficult to fight them. "
Why So all this noise on the Camorra? It 's real strength this is simply a criminal or disorderly and rogue banditry, violent and brutal?
The province of Naples is composed of 92 municipalities and a population of about 3,080,000. The province of Caserta is made up of 104 municipalities and 910,000 inhabitants (nearly always). Summing up: 4 million inhabitants and nearly 200 municipalities over 3810 km square . Here lurks mainly the Camorra. Today we are likely to emerge as a huge problem. I open the newspaper and read the following headline: "Running in Scampia, killed the nephew of the victim of Gomorrah."
does not mean nothing, how many times you want to reread the title of the national newspaper, and not local. This is the culmination of a phenomenon composed of too many atoms. Journalism is always looking to one way of explanation, a contact, you can also merge with the Scampia Domitiana (which will never be 50 km away?). Today coincides with the period of easy consumption Gomorrah a widespread crime in almost 200 municipalities. Simplify, reduce to lowest common denominators. A puzzle so large that instead requires individual entries for each municipality. And by combining the items you can get a comprehensible framework for better or worse. Or you really want to believe that one person can know all this land and its criminal history? It means not having understood the Campania.
Every country, every town, every street is a world unto itself. I can discuss Castel Volturno, but not Pignataro Maggiore , because even in that town stories are complex and enormous interest. So I can discuss Mondragone , but not Scampia , because even if I reach it in 30 minutes by car is another world again. Distant worlds. Campania atoms are innumerable. It brings together the evil in the word Camorra. But what a great strategic plan have minds that supersedes the clan? None.
Ours is the land that allowed Joseph Brisson, a ruthless killer, to become the subject of a book (I say this with a deep sense of respect for those who have written). And also the same Don Ciro Millionaire jumped to the news because the road has seen several dozen corpses in more (including books that deal with him in his journey).
But who are these men, as many others? Genes criminals? Strategists of evil? No, but ruthless criminals trivial. Accumulation of money, why should talented entrepreneurs seriously thwarted. No control design of power as much as Mafia. Buscetta called them fools. He was right. The same clan Casalesi assumed power in the crime is probably not a metastasis left without care? A decisive intervention of the judiciary and the police put him on the ropes lately. But a primitive and profound absence of the rule has allowed "men without qualities" to rise to criminal levels, a real mafia world that they were not even deign to look. Long ago, in a conversation with a reporter heard this statement: "there is no longer the Camorra in Naples. All are criminal gangs. As in the areas of Caserta. Everyone wakes up and makes the clan leader ".
Hence it is necessary to lay bare not only the king but also the Camorra. And the writer. They are worth nothing, we even less. What we are dealing with people with no value added. No massacre of judges, no trial that shakes the foundations of Italian democracy. Some people say: well better! But no.
would be better to die for great design and not by the usual criminal, but true banality of evil. People die constantly in the South, a shot in the face and on. Extortion to mid-August or Christmas. This relates all'imbarbarimento of society, not to crime. And also the cash flows of the Camorra. What? Some supermarket? Some of the TAV is? Recycling in Switzerland? Influence on the Milan stock exchange? Maybe. There probably earn store items for the home empty its warehouses of materials tacky and ugly.

And Campani? A small part
honest fight, clenching his teeth, surrounded by a mass middle-class and uneducated. A mass indifference that never sees the street side of garbage bin or the buffalo carcass on the beach and never fails to call a number of policemen or police. A mass scared, lazy, inert, rather than helpless. Also in the great cauldron of unification we have information that discusses the Neapolitan bourgeoisie the future (which?) of the city of Naples (Capri or Positano boat moored direction anomalies in the region) and both the provincial agro-cement boyars. Notaries, accountants who now find them to cope or to prescribe a recipe and tomorrow are the mayors, councilors. Political culture of zero. Finger pointed at the exiles, immigrants. They speak from a distance. They are right, there remain only the children of the boyars, shopkeepers, and some civil servant. The EC is working nun. And then tap emigrate. Nobody is foolish enough to remain in a territory that does not give any economic perspective and professional (not from Italy, I imagine the rest) and then you find yourself in command's sloth in a decent country that probably takes away the right to vote.

the bells, ready to get excited, but after decades, there remains unchanged. And the coast of Naples and Caserta are the mirror of its civil society: environmental disaster after an environmental disaster. Ugliness that blend in with the junk. The view occupies the ravine. In the meantime, here also appear on the political scene, those who sit in Rome. Complicit and guilty of a management that produces degradation. The Campani them vote, they argue, because you never know we go out for a job somewhere. These politicians so bloated and nobody to reproach their smallness and collusion. These politicians Campania subtitled so the news because if nun understand anything when they try to speak Italian.

the bells
become a mirror of what you see: iron bars out of sight, crumbling houses, roads with potholes, faulty sewers. But there is the mafia! Already one that also enlists the policemen. We are ugly, dirty and bad. We Campani. Without a historic dignity to defend. A dignity that elevates our gaze to the future. Severe criticism? And in what other land bury radioactive whole truck full of shit?

the bells
white-collar workers and politicians, civil society and indifferent to the happiness of as an ecologist in the countryside of Sweden. Their green is an expanse of concrete development plans designed by a blind man. Disorder and chaos of the city made of alleys and streets battered. Noise, shouting and hostility. Every morning you wake up and see the landscape changing for the worse you feel relieved. I'm home.

the bells
mortify themselves until that leave little minds are believed to be criminals, and leave until the management of public property in the hands of people who can barely put a subjunctive after another. There is no need to be offended or indignant, not more than when looking at the sea feels the smell of rotten eggs is typical of an illegal dump. The bells are not even able to place their rubbish. Even hominids knew hedge its shit. We become an international scandal and call it waste problem. Has anyone ever paid? No, and never will. No pay, all rotten, though.

that the bells do not make a turn in front of the charts in quality of life, ignoring the meaning and quality of life: 97 th out of 100 Naples, Caserta 94th out of 100, 90th out of 100, on 83rd Avellino 100, Benevento, on 81st cent.

the bells
making Piovene faith in what he wrote: "In no other country would be allowed as an attack on us, ruining cities and rural areas, according to the interests and whims of a day. Italians do not be afraid to be little future. I have more than others, without being aware of, although this does not mean always be more advanced. In no other country like us all over the field seems occupied by activists of all kinds, and no other, as if by tacit agreement of businessmen and sociologists, is so deeply rooted in the belief that count only the problems of money and food. The risk in Italy is to enter the number of countries of low culture, as You can be intelligent and low culture. "
And come to us, those who write about the Camorra, regional and international. Searching and investigating. Most of the time lost in opinions and interpretations. When looking for large complex schemes when the reality is simple, because opponents are simple. The more complex the endless and divisive diatribes about who understands more about the Camorra, or who has more reason to sell. Looking forward to another publisher who will decide which will become the central theme in the debate. Believing that the Camorra can be more dangerous than the Mafia. We are now the land of banditry, brigandage and should have instead. Or at least a bike of dignity that can make sense of the word the bells as he did with The Sicilian Fava: "I realize there's enormous confusion about the problem of the mafia. The mafiosi are in Parliament, ministers are sometimes the mafia, the mafia are bankers, the mafia are the ones who right now are at the top of the nation. You can not define the little mafia thug that comes along and asks you the price on your small business, this is the stuff of petty crime, which I think suits in all Italian cities, in all European cities. The phenomenon of the mafia is much more tragic and important .... "

depowered the Camorra. And his writing. The Camorra is not the mafia.
The Camorra is modern banditry. obvious, but in these days here in the communication looks too antimafia a show of tissue, it is best to repeat. The solutions can be invoked only when those politicians and public administration journeyman who prey on the future are brought to justice. When the civil society will look in the mirror and admit his failure. The South are increasingly disconnected from the European continent. We are closing in a ghetto. And there are no saints, football players and opinion leaders to save us. Not at all. Solutions? Let note of reality and reflect together on what to do that is free from the judgments good for journalism or squealing launches from the first page.


Friday, October 1, 2010

What Color Sofa For Light Brown Hardwood Floor

Search Details

From what has been written from the 1:10:10 CDT seems that with my last post (the Comm.Cerca not found me) I create a political earthquake in the regional and local politics. I would like to reassure all clear once and for all.
My post describes a thing occurred in the context of preparation for the cantonal elections of April 2011, and stays there. I have long spoken with fellow group Balerna future of my discontent about the (non) treatment received by Comm.Cerca and my decision to be on the list of MPS next April, but my commitment between the balernitano row group in the city council is not interrupted. With fellow Balerna Futura we are working well in the interests of balernitani and I feel accepted in the group, so I have no intention of leaving.
Also I find it hard to leave a party to which I have never joined with tuition fees or cards. Finally
reassure my closest friends: I do not have a double identity, Matthew is my brother ... I do not think that will never be part of MPS ..:-)

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Pedophilia that there

We never imagined it to arrive on time, but these days in our "lovely" town is something that happened goes beyond the limits of human decency. It 'been raped and disfigured the serenity of an honest family with disgusting rumors of pedophilia. E 'repulsive discover that you can have the courage to kill the serenity of an innocent girl and a perfect father just for the sake of ruining someone's life. It has been said and all this "charming" town was giving her the good news devoured, with receiver batch displaying signs saying above "the ogre of the quarter Saint Nicholas," with people who swear to have read in the paper, although there was never any article. The only real violence and has made the country that gave voice to a good listing of who knows who knows what to do out of spite. Of course our country is strange, when it comes to these things rough, we all know, everyone has read, all were in radiological phantom center when they found the violence. But when it comes to recognizing those who ask for bribes in the shops, those who steal, those who threaten, who disguises, no one knows anything. Retailers say they do not pay bribes, the robbed say that has not happened, the threat can not remember his face that he had yet to recognize from a distance we all know who steals, who disguises, some threat, we walk shoulder to shoulder, and perhaps fear and "respect" also salute them, as a sort of social equilibrium that must not be interrupted. That's the beauty of our country, slimy and cowardly to the end, but basically it is more convenient. It 's more convenient to ruin a family with items that have no basis to terminate a criminal risked their lives to the community. We give Free full solidarity with the family, and we would be happy if all groups and associations related to our "lovely" town giving us a hand by posting on your bulletin board or even just talking to those who make certain claims that this lousy news
... NOT 'TRUE ...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Indian Actoreses Boobs

The Commission found me .. not!

These days the five names that came out would make the list by the State Council of the Socialist Party. The five names were chosen from a shortlist of candidates has arisen in which appeared this summer and also my name as an exponent of the Section of Balerna. Obviously the name is not listed among the top 5, but I'm not here to discuss the outcome of choice (on which one could certainly argue) but the way in which this choice was made. Now every party in these situations creates a special "Commission Search" was responsible for contact and hear the candidates and created a strong list in which voters can be reflected. My candidacy back in July, made official during a regional meeting which were attended by a member of the aforementioned committee. From that day the most absolute silence. Not a call, a letter, any contact.
is true, not even a whole series of knowledge (Especially among the people that matters) and suffers from lack of experience, knowing that the Council of State is not the City Council Balerna. But I wanted to give my willingness to be in the game. Especially to give a signal, because if you really want to change things you have to start from the names, the faces and especially the ways.
modes have not changed, indeed, the choice to either contact me to tell me at least a "Thanks to the availability, but you do not qualify to enter the list of" known for a strong presumption of correctness and a little lack of respect. Politically, my weight is zero, does not fall into any control room, no body pays attention to what the media say or do, but I'm always a person and as such I think I deserve the same consideration given to other candidates, especially from a party like the PS says that to fight against social inequalities and in favor of the lower classes ... it seems that intentions you can not even respect in the treatment of applications that should apply, from the human, in an equivalent manner.
However the PS has its own list to the Council of State that shines some freshness and originality, perhaps reassuring, but curious.
Curious is the fact that, during the same meeting where I gave my voice to the nomination became even Sandrinelli's candidacy, at least that meeting is not been in vain. Search Sandirnelli The Commission, however, he heard and called ... and myself did not find it.

MPS with his friends, to continue the fight.
My journey does not end here, indeed, start. For years I follow and collaborate with fellow MPS. It is with them I started to make political and even now I feel that the ideas of society I have in mind and also continue as a city councilor is reflected in the ideas that carries the movement. It will therefore be MPS with peers who go on my way, especially after the developments and achievements that the long-awaited Youth group MPS has achieved in recent years, targets that have given me enthusiasm and desire to do. It does not matter if the Grand Council or the Council of State, this is not what interests me, I'm interested in the struggle for change and as said before, we must start from the names, the faces and especially the way .. and that 's MPS knows he is engaged, without the need for a Commission Search.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How To Calculate The Lic Policy Current Value

LADI and young, a review of dangerous! Excuse me ..

Next week starts a new school year, the last for some young people before entering the working world and the next September 26 we will vote on the 4th revision of the Law on Unemployment Insurance (LADI) . The two are closely linked because this review, which follows the employment policies pursued up to now and which have resulted in increased flexibility and insecurity, will hit the working classes most vulnerable, especially young people. It is the young who must first face the most precarious working conditions. In fact, following the logic of LADI, a young man struggling to find a format to use, is considered a high cost and is pushed into the labor market and wage conditions to any professional. If the proposal is not accepted, the premium jumps. One of the most popular statement is to define the young "laziness" and take advantage of unemployment insurance. It is easy to understand how this attack young people serve only to isolate them, and discrimination of public opinion in order to pass the measures affecting them.
In this regard one of the categories of young people most affected by this deterioration are apprentices. Already, competition for labor pushes employers not to employ the apprentice as too onerous. An entry into force of the revision of LADI will only worsen the already bad conditions of employment / lle young workers / ici in favor of employers who can hire cheap labor, willing to work at any wage conditions and social development.
Opposition to this revision is necessary. Young people themselves need to mobilize and claim their place in society. Ensure a safe workplace for all young people who end up training would be only the beginning. In addition, culture, transport, education and leisure services should be free for students and apprentices.
These measures would be a first step towards improving the life prospects of young people. To do this, but we must break with the capitalist logic. There can be no future for young people without a new conception of society based on collective management of resources and the active participation of every individual in society. The bell is about to ring, let's ready!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hyperpigmentation Cover Up


Yes, being studied by experts of the PS is also my name for a place on the list for the Council of State, in view of the cantonal elections in April. My candidacy may seem utopian, unfounded, without rhyme or reason, but in which I believe. True, I lack a wide range of knowledge (especially among the people that matter) and suffers from lack of experience, knowing that the Council of State is not the City Council Balerna. But I wanted to give my willingness to be in the game. Especially to give a signal, because you really want to change things and have to start from the names, the faces and especially the ways. Necessary that the base of the left Canton may not realize that people need to know who knows what caliber to get people to do their part: my application is based on availability, the love for the ideals I believe in and want to do ... and in Ticino do exist, and many more. My candidacy is intended as a signal to young people who turn away from politics, thinking that stuff is not for them. The policy now choose our future! Young people should expect to be the protagonists of political life!

I will not claim a place among the five that are on the list of the Security Council in April, but that a candidate young, fresh and spontaneous is not worth less than others ... Affaire a suivre ... the road is long.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

2010 How To Fix Non-hd Channels

the swastika unpunished

Just a few days ago the Federal Council's decision to render liable to exposure of the swastika and other racist symbols or array of Nazi-fascist. Will be punished only those who use these symbols for propaganda purposes. A decision that I personally disagree. First
today's era of consumption and advertising, where it seems that the important thing is to look, what is not propaganda? If you do not wear a shirt advertising a product or a particular message to corporations, institutions or associations would not pouring out in a race t-shirt complete with logo and writings that represent them. Today, with a turn T-shirt with a swastika is not feasible, but is basically propaganda. The Federation Council
barricades himself behind the excuse that there are many symbols and hidden meaning of a racist or Nazi (like numbers 88 or 18) that can not be controlled and are therefore difficult to interpret. I agree that one can not blame a boy born in 1988 and which features on the shirt, or through a tattoo, his year of birth, 88 is above all a number and must be treated accordingly.
But there are people who, aware that their thoughts and their idea of \u200b\u200bsociety is no longer acceptable in the XXI century, they barricade themselves behind the symbols used in common language (such as numbers) to recognize and communicate in public. These people now from the Federal Council the chance to show off even the mother symbol of their ideology, the Nazi swastika, which has spread death and destruction to the whole of Europe and has led the world in the second world war and tragic.
Let me be clear, great respect goes to the Hindu and Buddhist symbol, always a swastika, but with much more meaning, more like an auspicious and peaceful. The Nazi swastika, the black confined in a white circle on a red background, one that flew high over the Reichstag in Berlin as the death camps, should be banned from a company that wants to establish democratic and civilized.
With the decision not to make public these symbols of undoubted array xenophobic, homophobic and racist, there is the risk of confusing especially the younger ones. Young people sometimes take strong positions in politics, but not be fully aware of what is behind the thought and the symbols of their political choice entails. If the authorities have already launched this signal is unclear, as you can move so that certain ideologies are not in our young recruits and not even aware of what this means?

I have the premonition that my attack on Nazi symbols bring about in some people the idea that the swastika should be banned along with other symbols facing more left. The main difference between the swastika and sickle & hammer is that if the first was conceived from the minds of a regime with certain ideas and under that symbol have put them into practice, the second is the undisputed symbol of the workers' struggle, later used by regimes questionable and have manipulated the symbol at their pleasure, stained with crimes no less serious than the Nazis, but most of the improper use of the symbols of the workers' struggle. To think that way, that all the symbols under which it has done wrong must be punished, we will even have to ban the Christian cross under which the kingdoms and empires of the West have perpetrated the most infamous massacres in history. You do not want to get them, but personally the Nazi swastika is the symbol par excellence of a sick mind, horrible, a terrible black shadow on the recent history of humanity, we must not and can not make that a thought like that Nazi can still find opportunities.

Hideip Software Ubuntu

a technical project soulless

Thursday, May 20 was presented to the public, the project on the main road passing through Piazza Tarchini. The project includes a technical intervention, putting in place the safety of pedestrians and traffic calming, with the construction of two hills at the entrance to the north and south of the square and a raised area between the Collegiate Church and City Hall complete with red stripe Central, like what we see from Coldrerio Mezzana. The project includes also moving the bus stops, the construction of a canopy and a reduction from 7 to 5 parking spaces on the right side of the road coming from Mendrisio. The total cost of the work is around one million and a half, in which our community should participate for a portion equivalent to 35%.
During the evening, many voices were raised in a critical way before this project, especially as regards the quality of life of balernitani that in the face as described, does not improve in any way. The number of vehicles traveling on Corso S. Gottardo will not be diminished, there will be un'abbellimento Square nor a "making it in life" or the creation of places balernitani i can pass, stop, chat, without having to pay attention to moving cars. So why contribute to 35% in this work? Beyond the financial aspect is important to the project, which unfortunately in recent years Balerna is always going to gradually decline. This project is a watertight compartment, which appears to be purely technical and minimally everything revolves around Piazza Tarchini, or rather, the main road that crosses it. Were not taken into account the various movements pedestrian journeys to school, travel, media and guests of the provident Mother and Elders of the House and the traffic that comes and goes from and Station Street. There is no overview of the whole, especially now that the former Asylum, with the advent of the new school building will lose its function prince, what do we do?
In our opinion, the Centre Balerna is all to think and to plan, then you can take steps to, for obvious reasons and financial management, but the project should be broad spectrum and non-sealed compartments, otherwise we will have many pieces of a center that already has no identity and is not with aseptic and technical interventions that we can give it.
The message we're going to vote for the June 21 City Council have been included in the small interventions for safety and Silvia Street Via Municipio. If the technical design of the County will vote against, as a group, however, we will ensure that small interventions under pressure from City Hall can be implemented to facilitate pedestrian paths in the two-way, keeping the walkways.

Some argue that unless we act now to many more years will not be anymore. Instead, we believe that by accepting this project, the risk of not doing anything to Balerna increases. To allow the Cantonal authorities no longer need to take care of the situation Balerna, for now, technically, is put in place. We can and must take the time to develop new solutions and rewarding, that maybe something will cost more, but can really be an ideal solution for Balerna and its people.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Are You Physically Stronger Than Your Husband

The South and the political present. Campania election


The short Easter break - dall'Erasmus and university life in general - this year is more folk. No, there are no special festivities in my small town bell, this year there are elections to (re) create the prodottino typical.

Political folk. With a clever interlocking of flights and trains I can be at my polling station two hours before the official closing, the last day to vote. In countries like mine there is nothing more fun than going to vote: professors who are on stand by to lend itself to political parties, businessmen and farmers who are the pr, candidates and then lacquered with attached big smiles. All of a sudden you become old friends. It seems to be one of those films of Don Camillo and Peppone.

This is also the south. In reality is nothing but the real stereotipicità South. That which does not respect the silence of the election on Saturday, what white suspects that positioned in certain parts end up being the most votes , that young voters are working from the first hair on the face, the one from kindergartens run by nuns puts the tips of votes in the backpacks of children. That's how winners are those who in previous years were sending text messages of congratulations to every festival, gave straight on the issues - even on the pages of a book - to study for a competition organized by the Municipality, chess and even those of some street in town is dedicated to his ancestors fascists.

In real time . In these paesoni body in the middle "button" of the Camorra, we are witnessing the slow evolution, gradually, surprising and sometimes disconcerting, technology arrives in town. Nothing less than that, gentlemen, this year the election was in real time on the site. "Net" of the City. Needless to hide the surprise: it is simply like to see appear for the first time a flower on a plant to be indistinct, anonymous in a corner of your garden, it's there since you were a child. In real time, in countries such as these, it means that the results do not you come to know from the Corriere di Caserta in the next day, and you will learn that not even Elder neighbor who - after a day at the bar, the school used as a front seat, see the elections as you look at the work in progress - you home and passes down the street shouting "we knew that guy won!".

Cam-only. In countries such as these, during the elections is that you realize how well organized crime were notified. Communication, one of the votes, runs on the latest mobile phones - a click in the voting booth and you're done - and slides on the Internet - such as meetings between the boss of the Camorra organized even email - but runs media with false references: Simulate the "famous" garbage crisis just weeks before the election, to make it disappear the day before the call to the polls, what if a non-verbal communication, almost tactile, sold for ecological operators' strike ?

Back to the Future. And here, the centuries-old Earth Laboris (have it brought her eh?), The problem gag, Santoro, Berlusconi appears to be a nullity. Turn on the TV after the elections and find a Porta a Porta again Pippo Baudo, Nancy Brilli, Ezio Greggio returning to Palare of 50 years of television seems heartening. See Annozero Ballarò and returning in pomp so glad. But after the elections, here on the front pages of local newspapers the faces slew of elected politicians or trumpet returns to be replaced by that of the fugitives, of those arrested, the killed. Last night in the main square was shot and seriously wounded a black man. Internet is fine, but to understand something here, you still need to wait for the next day's newspaper: the silence is valid for all elections.
