Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Does Breakthrough Chicken Pox Look Like

melomerito sure?

New Law salaries I think it can be summed up in one word: Meritocracy. What does this mean? According to the proponents of the bill directs the person who will assess and decide whether its employees are deserving of a reward (bonus, salary increase, etc. ..). The campaign invites you to accept that the headline reads: "The increase, because melomerito." The problem that underlies the proposal, however, is another. How about apples? There is no yardstick or directions to be followed by managers, the choice is entirely subjective and personal. One can well understand that this is a very powerful tool that is put into the hands of the ruling class, the directors and owners. Without the rule meritocracy will always be used in a subjective way, rewarding in this arbitrary manner rather than the other, not to mention the absolute lack of control on the motivations that led to the choice.
this would render meaningless the work itself, because the worker will not be won by force because it works well (and especially those who say it works as well?), But it may be awarded one who obeys slavishly, who does not question his decisions, who is silent, who reports to the head of any malfunction or colleagues who only make the skirt shorter.
Secondly, and perhaps more seriously, is that this value system is completely arbitrary attempts to undermine the solidarity between male and female workers. A merit-based system without control is a chance that the employers expect to blow up any connection, any and all collaboration and synergy among the working class. This will create inequalities, envy and resentment between colleagues, between those who won and who did not, undermining the climate of work, especially if the choice of who is worthy and who's not been done incorrectly, but no one can prove it. Meritocracy is the daughter of this capitalist society voted for profit and personal well-being, the most reckless and selfish individualism.
workers and workers who want to continue to work in a healthy and honest I have to vote NO on this silly law. The working class must respond in a compact and strongly to these attacks, these temptations the spear for bosses only have more control and more power. Not for nothing that the campaign for the law has as its mascot, an apple .. the temptation for excellence. Proponents of this campaign we are telling him plainly made groped by 'growing!
This revision of the law is wrong and salaries based on criteria that the disintegration of the solidarity among workers.
Celameritiamo? I think not.


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