Friday, November 19, 2010

Can You Store Chili Seeds

2011 Review Theatre Encounter 2010

Cultural Association LuMinAnDa

First Encounter Review of Theatres

10 and 11 December 2010
Auditorium Gallium-Como


Friday, December 10, 2010 at 11 am

Performance of bodily expression

With Amedea Aloisi, Simone Rossi, Stefano Lunardi

choreography Ela Franscella

Company Mops_DanceSyndrome

ATELIER followed by a demonstration on the art and engaging
and the work of the dancer.

In stage and life with its moments of passion, sadness and frenzy, of loneliness and dreams.

Mops_DanceSyndrome is a young independent Swiss company Dance, directed by choreographer Ela Franscella that will put the movement and the dancing body in the middle of their work.

The three dancers, Amedeo Aloisi, Simon Lunardi, Stefano Rossi, all have one thing in common: trisomy 21. The company has begun to exist in 2008 in Canton Ticino, after several years of hard work, and feel ready now to open up new horizons for sharing, national and intenazionali. For this occasion will present a performance body of expression that will emotion on stage, meaning, presence and poetry and will a studio demo. http://www.mopsdancesyndrome. Com
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Friday, December 10, 2010 at 21

Company Jesters of Gulliver

Collective creation of the company.

Dramaturgy and Direction and Prisca Mornaghini Antonello Snipes

With Giulia Bellomo, Louise Grob, Miriam Kotlaris, Aida Ilic, Catherine Longchamp, Sara Longhi, Beatrice Wolf, Lucia Messina, Prisca Mornaghini, Ursula Rampoldi, Rosanna Schipani, Natasha Tettamanti, Emma Tognola, Monica Tognola, Lorenzo Bernasconi, Mario Cavallo , Antonello Snipes, Matthew Gusberti, William Hug, Claudio Riva

The show does not speak of childhood.

The show is created thanks to the evocative force of the word "childhood", and provided that this term means to be human is not about the past, nostalgia or regret, is Rather, to affirm the beauty and the awareness of the responsibility that has its roots in childhood.

A call to "remember" exactly the same way in which we must not forget the horrors of adulthood.

Our company is an expressive theatrical laboratory in which they interact with each other volunteers and professionals in the arts, both in the educational, professional volunteers and people with disabilities.

E 'integral part of socio-cultural association "Jesters Gulliver's .

The company has been operating for seven years, and is formed by a three theatrical experiences developed in the social sphere: Club 74 (the animation group Sociopsichiatrica Cantonale Organization) with the Company Molecules Oddities; Laboratory Ronchetto (Diamond Foundation), with the Company Eciccio; Jesters Association of Gulliver.

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ore Saturday, December 11, 2010 11

Ass The Neverland

Loosely based on "Cyrano de Bergerac" of Rostand

By Mark Castellano, Roberto Bianchi, Omar Zecca, Benedetto Castelli,
Pedalino Samantha, Erica Anzalone,
Erika Brognoli, Brognoli Silvia, Silvia Papis, Loren Pope, Alessia Salsa.

Directed Anna Buttarelli - Chiara Gismondi

A theatrical journey freely inspired to 'work of Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac" who wants to get through the staging, to bring attention to the theme of communication and 'acceptance of themselves and others.

The spirit of Cyrano is an independent, proud and brave and at the same time you do so at the time of the revelation of the love of his life, the beautiful Roxanne, played in this show by the entire body attorale women, and thus was born 's experience of fiction and theater.

The show was born in a drama workshop with an integrated group of able bodied and disabled children who are working together for years.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 21


Five wretches seeking Dionysus

Company Danz'abile

Creation and Interpretation
Laura Canterbury Tail, Viviana Gysin, Emanuel Rosenberg, Camilla Voegeli, Daniele Zanella

Emanuel Rosenberg

Art Consultancy Support produzionze Giorgio Rossi Ass Stop Palmizi

on stage five people explore the various states of "dionisicità.
The god Dionysus is the god of ecstasy, wine, theater, a mirror of our passions and desires
more or less revealed. The manifestation of a pure life energy, which contains
multiple facets and potential.
sometimes destructive, sometimes creative, sometimes joyful, sometimes brutal, Dionysus is the god of farce. Highly volatile, it is not locked into any definition leaves. The
a world ruled and dominated by reason and by money, the Dionysian force necessary to reshuffle the cards, an energy that may destabilize the chronos to create a sterile fertile chaos.
In the show "Wild Sage" the five performers are in search of the limiting conventions established by society to play and consequently undermine. Starting from the collection, a microcosm - a choir, go to discover the various aspects of the god Dionysus and its effects on human beings.

Danz'Abile The Company Theatre, its third generation, has chosen to address this issue because it coincides with research into the different potentials that are put in motion, once you cross the threshold of habit, to differentiate between handicapped or not. You create a utopia in which all can not undo the diversity but rather values.

Danz'Abile Theatre Company The Company Theatre Danz'Abile "is a professional company of dance-drama and was created in 2005 by Uma Arnese Pozzi, actress, director, dancer and dance therapy. The objectives of the company are to integrate different realities, including people with physical disabilities or other kinds with persons without disabilities, in a research stage in which the language of theater and dance merge and become the instruments that give voice and body to the experiences of each.

aim of our work is not therapy or rehabilitation, although it can be said that the creative work, especially if done in groups, can certainly have a beneficial effect in each case and context in which they take place. It seeks rather to give value to the possibilities of each and allow those who participate to develop their potential and creative expression. Going on stage is a challenge for anyone. The

the "Theater Danz'Abile" would like to highlight the fact that the stage is a special place for conducting a major challenge: that of meeting and collaboration between different realities. The result is an artistic product, a show that gives visibility to integration, promotes the eyes of the community and in this sense, our work also has a social relevance. We are inspired by the words quoted above from Mr. Unwise, and that is the way in which a disabled person to make his personal contribution to society in which he lives.

From our third production, "Wild Sage", The Theatre Danz'Abile has changed the artistic direction by putting it in the hands of Emanuel Rosenberg, dance-actor Dimitri graduated from school and close collaborator of John Smith.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010 from 15 to 17


Organised by 'Ass LuMinAnDa and the boys of Coop. Sociolario

Workshop open to all children with disabilities in which the Coop.Sociolario, already engaged in theatrical activity per week, will welcome anyone who wants experience in art of great emotional intensity.


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For info and reservations :

Mobile + 39 328 6911 940 + 39 338 7872 193

NB: To better handle the event we ask you to book tickets in advance. Thanks.


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