racism in small institutions
In my experience as a city councilor I could deal directly with the issue of naturalization.
Once the request has been submitted by naturalizing the cantonal authorities (who have already viewed and given their approval) to the Town Hall, the latter expressed his opinion and submit it to the Committee on Petitions. The Commission re-examined the case and is expressed in turn issued a report and return it to the City Council, where is any discussion and vote of naturalization. If the Board did not have a unanimous thought, the / members / i against the decision may draw up a minority report which will also be presented to City Council.
not always, however everything runs smoothly in this process, leading to a vote during the session of the City Council. I have unfortunately already seen the "no entry in" about a naturalization petitions asking for the Commission time to collection of new material, to clarify certain aspects of the applicant's past. I also heard of meetings that look more like the sort of interrogation.
In most cases the complications were also sought when the facts do not persist for years or were removed from the Criminal records and then it was clean. Usually this is hypothetical or a fine of fights you want to know why and how, close to the abuse of power.
But why these things on the Committee on Petitions and information? It seems that the cantonal police have as "tradition" to write in a document (which is part of dell'incarto naturalization), all the facts about the naturalizing, even now removed from the judicial record. The serious fact is that this procedure is not required by federal naturalization! .. But never mind what it seems and we go back to what it is.
I think it is dangerously ridiculous hours to discuss whether and how to grant Swiss citizenship to those who request it, especially considering the fact that this application for naturalization has already been checked at the cantonal level and the municipality receives it as acceptable. The impression is that some City Council invested in this position you think you can automatically have the future of people because of what it is. Do not forget that those who apply for naturalization does not do it for fashion, but to improve its social status within the community to be able to be part of it, to find a job more easily and have a salary. The application for naturalization also comes after years in Switzerland and in most cases after having followed a special course. Who am I then to prevent a person to become Swiss? Just because I sit at a desk in a room of City Hall may feel free to turn a person like me to see how much less the same? I am reminded of those poor frustrated school teachers, who used the votes do not contribute to the growth of the student, but to exercise power. This is where you see that among the schools of a city council winds latent a subtle form of racism disguised as patriotism immaculate.
Follow the normal procedure and pursue seriously the task entrusted to us by national law and by the people who voted for us is a duty which we councilors we must not shirk, but do not be ridiculous.
Someone once during a discussion on naturalization, he complained that the candidate speak ill Italian. I like a good Swiss German do not remember anything and chew a little French, Romansh not even know what it is. About the Italian, just look at some characters of the cantonal politics to understand that the correct grammar is also an option between the Swiss Italian speakers.
you climb on mirrors, grooming cards, they look for shadows hidden somewhere in order to have the satisfaction of what? Red cross to deny a passport to a potential criminal? And the Swiss people who commit crimes that we do, we remove him?
Just because the situation is bad enough in itself for those who think there is already set himself up as judge of others, November 28 must send a strong message, with two NO decided otherwise of our Swiss passport one day we might even be ashamed .
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