Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hemo Rage Black Is Steroid

the bells

The Camorra, I will not even talk about it,
I do not mind clowns even able to enlist
(Tommaso Buscetta, interview with Giovanni Falcone)

Matthew Sorrentino, Alert Mondragone was receiving protection money to the La Torre clan traders at the market. Federico del Prete denounced him and was killed 18 February 2002. The next day would begin the process at the local policeman Sorrentino.
On September 27, 2007 reset the control of traffic police in San Cipriano : meetings with offenders, use of private cars and phones. Use of cocaine. In addition, the indictment states: "Giuseppe Iovine with some colleagues, including the commander, would have forced some traders in the area to pay them money, often on a monthly basis." Giuseppe Iovine is a former traffic cop suspended since 1995 by the Prefect of Caserta. It is also the brother of Antonio Iovine: regent, with Michele Zagaria, Casalesi Clan.
Buscetta was right, the Camorra recruits also municipal guards. When I run into this definition of the Camorra, as well as reflect the last bastion of State as being compromised in Campania. Probably the mafia does not need the white helmets. Certainly permeates society, but in a way and a different way.

What then is the mafia today?
echoes the words of Giovanni Falcone, "the Neapolitan Camorra and the Calabrian 'Ndrangheta, the mafia often also defined, they are not unified hierarchical and compartmentalized structure of Cosa Nostra. Both have an organization as it were horizontal. Until maintain a horizontal structure, it will be a little less difficult to fight them. "
Why So all this noise on the Camorra? It 's real strength this is simply a criminal or disorderly and rogue banditry, violent and brutal?
The province of Naples is composed of 92 municipalities and a population of about 3,080,000. The province of Caserta is made up of 104 municipalities and 910,000 inhabitants (nearly always). Summing up: 4 million inhabitants and nearly 200 municipalities over 3810 km square . Here lurks mainly the Camorra. Today we are likely to emerge as a huge problem. I open the newspaper and read the following headline: "Running in Scampia, killed the nephew of the victim of Gomorrah."
does not mean nothing, how many times you want to reread the title of the national newspaper, and not local. This is the culmination of a phenomenon composed of too many atoms. Journalism is always looking to one way of explanation, a contact, you can also merge with the Scampia Domitiana (which will never be 50 km away?). Today coincides with the period of easy consumption Gomorrah a widespread crime in almost 200 municipalities. Simplify, reduce to lowest common denominators. A puzzle so large that instead requires individual entries for each municipality. And by combining the items you can get a comprehensible framework for better or worse. Or you really want to believe that one person can know all this land and its criminal history? It means not having understood the Campania.
Every country, every town, every street is a world unto itself. I can discuss Castel Volturno, but not Pignataro Maggiore , because even in that town stories are complex and enormous interest. So I can discuss Mondragone , but not Scampia , because even if I reach it in 30 minutes by car is another world again. Distant worlds. Campania atoms are innumerable. It brings together the evil in the word Camorra. But what a great strategic plan have minds that supersedes the clan? None.
Ours is the land that allowed Joseph Brisson, a ruthless killer, to become the subject of a book (I say this with a deep sense of respect for those who have written). And also the same Don Ciro Millionaire jumped to the news because the road has seen several dozen corpses in more (including books that deal with him in his journey).
But who are these men, as many others? Genes criminals? Strategists of evil? No, but ruthless criminals trivial. Accumulation of money, why should talented entrepreneurs seriously thwarted. No control design of power as much as Mafia. Buscetta called them fools. He was right. The same clan Casalesi assumed power in the crime is probably not a metastasis left without care? A decisive intervention of the judiciary and the police put him on the ropes lately. But a primitive and profound absence of the rule has allowed "men without qualities" to rise to criminal levels, a real mafia world that they were not even deign to look. Long ago, in a conversation with a reporter heard this statement: "there is no longer the Camorra in Naples. All are criminal gangs. As in the areas of Caserta. Everyone wakes up and makes the clan leader ".
Hence it is necessary to lay bare not only the king but also the Camorra. And the writer. They are worth nothing, we even less. What we are dealing with people with no value added. No massacre of judges, no trial that shakes the foundations of Italian democracy. Some people say: well better! But no.
would be better to die for great design and not by the usual criminal, but true banality of evil. People die constantly in the South, a shot in the face and on. Extortion to mid-August or Christmas. This relates all'imbarbarimento of society, not to crime. And also the cash flows of the Camorra. What? Some supermarket? Some of the TAV is? Recycling in Switzerland? Influence on the Milan stock exchange? Maybe. There probably earn store items for the home empty its warehouses of materials tacky and ugly.

And Campani? A small part
honest fight, clenching his teeth, surrounded by a mass middle-class and uneducated. A mass indifference that never sees the street side of garbage bin or the buffalo carcass on the beach and never fails to call a number of policemen or police. A mass scared, lazy, inert, rather than helpless. Also in the great cauldron of unification we have information that discusses the Neapolitan bourgeoisie the future (which?) of the city of Naples (Capri or Positano boat moored direction anomalies in the region) and both the provincial agro-cement boyars. Notaries, accountants who now find them to cope or to prescribe a recipe and tomorrow are the mayors, councilors. Political culture of zero. Finger pointed at the exiles, immigrants. They speak from a distance. They are right, there remain only the children of the boyars, shopkeepers, and some civil servant. The EC is working nun. And then tap emigrate. Nobody is foolish enough to remain in a territory that does not give any economic perspective and professional (not from Italy, I imagine the rest) and then you find yourself in command's sloth in a decent country that probably takes away the right to vote.

the bells, ready to get excited, but after decades, there remains unchanged. And the coast of Naples and Caserta are the mirror of its civil society: environmental disaster after an environmental disaster. Ugliness that blend in with the junk. The view occupies the ravine. In the meantime, here also appear on the political scene, those who sit in Rome. Complicit and guilty of a management that produces degradation. The Campani them vote, they argue, because you never know we go out for a job somewhere. These politicians so bloated and nobody to reproach their smallness and collusion. These politicians Campania subtitled so the news because if nun understand anything when they try to speak Italian.

the bells
become a mirror of what you see: iron bars out of sight, crumbling houses, roads with potholes, faulty sewers. But there is the mafia! Already one that also enlists the policemen. We are ugly, dirty and bad. We Campani. Without a historic dignity to defend. A dignity that elevates our gaze to the future. Severe criticism? And in what other land bury radioactive whole truck full of shit?

the bells
white-collar workers and politicians, civil society and indifferent to the happiness of as an ecologist in the countryside of Sweden. Their green is an expanse of concrete development plans designed by a blind man. Disorder and chaos of the city made of alleys and streets battered. Noise, shouting and hostility. Every morning you wake up and see the landscape changing for the worse you feel relieved. I'm home.

the bells
mortify themselves until that leave little minds are believed to be criminals, and leave until the management of public property in the hands of people who can barely put a subjunctive after another. There is no need to be offended or indignant, not more than when looking at the sea feels the smell of rotten eggs is typical of an illegal dump. The bells are not even able to place their rubbish. Even hominids knew hedge its shit. We become an international scandal and call it waste problem. Has anyone ever paid? No, and never will. No pay, all rotten, though.

that the bells do not make a turn in front of the charts in quality of life, ignoring the meaning and quality of life: 97 th out of 100 Naples, Caserta 94th out of 100, 90th out of 100, on 83rd Avellino 100, Benevento, on 81st cent.

the bells
making Piovene faith in what he wrote: "In no other country would be allowed as an attack on us, ruining cities and rural areas, according to the interests and whims of a day. Italians do not be afraid to be little future. I have more than others, without being aware of, although this does not mean always be more advanced. In no other country like us all over the field seems occupied by activists of all kinds, and no other, as if by tacit agreement of businessmen and sociologists, is so deeply rooted in the belief that count only the problems of money and food. The risk in Italy is to enter the number of countries of low culture, as You can be intelligent and low culture. "
And come to us, those who write about the Camorra, regional and international. Searching and investigating. Most of the time lost in opinions and interpretations. When looking for large complex schemes when the reality is simple, because opponents are simple. The more complex the endless and divisive diatribes about who understands more about the Camorra, or who has more reason to sell. Looking forward to another publisher who will decide which will become the central theme in the debate. Believing that the Camorra can be more dangerous than the Mafia. We are now the land of banditry, brigandage and should have instead. Or at least a bike of dignity that can make sense of the word the bells as he did with The Sicilian Fava: "I realize there's enormous confusion about the problem of the mafia. The mafiosi are in Parliament, ministers are sometimes the mafia, the mafia are bankers, the mafia are the ones who right now are at the top of the nation. You can not define the little mafia thug that comes along and asks you the price on your small business, this is the stuff of petty crime, which I think suits in all Italian cities, in all European cities. The phenomenon of the mafia is much more tragic and important .... "

depowered the Camorra. And his writing. The Camorra is not the mafia.
The Camorra is modern banditry. obvious, but in these days here in the communication looks too antimafia a show of tissue, it is best to repeat. The solutions can be invoked only when those politicians and public administration journeyman who prey on the future are brought to justice. When the civil society will look in the mirror and admit his failure. The South are increasingly disconnected from the European continent. We are closing in a ghetto. And there are no saints, football players and opinion leaders to save us. Not at all. Solutions? Let note of reality and reflect together on what to do that is free from the judgments good for journalism or squealing launches from the first page.



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