Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why Do I Have Scabs On The Inside Of My Nose

Young, guests uncomfortable policy

Next spring there will be elections and the first cantonal lists are already prepared. If the Board of State seems to witness a struggle between the "usual suspects", except for some rare bird, the lists of the Grand Council to have some promising young name in them. Yes, because they say well all the evil that you want, but there are young people who are interested in politics. Young people uninterested, apathetic youth, young people are not so lazy and parasites, or rather, not all. The Youth Council held a few months ago or another test. Young people who feel detached from politics because the politicians in turn speaks to them in a detached way, as if that's convenient that young people do not take an interest. If one thinks of the protests of the '60s and '70s, where the student-youth movement was the engine of the events throughout Europe, we deduce that the middle class and conservative in this historical period in power suits for young people to have disinterested unable to organize themselves and to drag the masses. Moreover, in recent times we are witnessing the second phase of a process that does not see young people move away from politics and thus from society, but quite the contrary. The capitalist system in crisis now lies on the weaker classes facendogliele pay for his sins. This is so that young people, foreigners, are labeled as a "public enemies", because socially costly, be punished by measures that tend to isolate them and make them more vulnerable (such as the latest amendment of LADI and the vote of 28.11). It is therefore the young people must become aware of this attack that is taking over them. It is not with the indifference and individualism that the system instructs us from an early age that one will remain unscathed, indeed, is the lack of interest that can hit harder.
that young people need to regain consciousness to have a political role, not only as individual but as a social class, claiming their place in society take hold of the future. The policy now decide the future of tomorrow, and if young people are the future then it means that someone is already decided for them and will continue to do so even after the April elections. Personally, as a "young", I will not leave white paper.


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