Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hyperpigmentation Cover Up


Yes, being studied by experts of the PS is also my name for a place on the list for the Council of State, in view of the cantonal elections in April. My candidacy may seem utopian, unfounded, without rhyme or reason, but in which I believe. True, I lack a wide range of knowledge (especially among the people that matter) and suffers from lack of experience, knowing that the Council of State is not the City Council Balerna. But I wanted to give my willingness to be in the game. Especially to give a signal, because you really want to change things and have to start from the names, the faces and especially the ways. Necessary that the base of the left Canton may not realize that people need to know who knows what caliber to get people to do their part: my application is based on availability, the love for the ideals I believe in and want to do ... and in Ticino do exist, and many more. My candidacy is intended as a signal to young people who turn away from politics, thinking that stuff is not for them. The policy now choose our future! Young people should expect to be the protagonists of political life!

I will not claim a place among the five that are on the list of the Security Council in April, but that a candidate young, fresh and spontaneous is not worth less than others ... Affaire a suivre ... the road is long.


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