Saturday, July 10, 2010

2010 How To Fix Non-hd Channels

the swastika unpunished

Just a few days ago the Federal Council's decision to render liable to exposure of the swastika and other racist symbols or array of Nazi-fascist. Will be punished only those who use these symbols for propaganda purposes. A decision that I personally disagree. First
today's era of consumption and advertising, where it seems that the important thing is to look, what is not propaganda? If you do not wear a shirt advertising a product or a particular message to corporations, institutions or associations would not pouring out in a race t-shirt complete with logo and writings that represent them. Today, with a turn T-shirt with a swastika is not feasible, but is basically propaganda. The Federation Council
barricades himself behind the excuse that there are many symbols and hidden meaning of a racist or Nazi (like numbers 88 or 18) that can not be controlled and are therefore difficult to interpret. I agree that one can not blame a boy born in 1988 and which features on the shirt, or through a tattoo, his year of birth, 88 is above all a number and must be treated accordingly.
But there are people who, aware that their thoughts and their idea of \u200b\u200bsociety is no longer acceptable in the XXI century, they barricade themselves behind the symbols used in common language (such as numbers) to recognize and communicate in public. These people now from the Federal Council the chance to show off even the mother symbol of their ideology, the Nazi swastika, which has spread death and destruction to the whole of Europe and has led the world in the second world war and tragic.
Let me be clear, great respect goes to the Hindu and Buddhist symbol, always a swastika, but with much more meaning, more like an auspicious and peaceful. The Nazi swastika, the black confined in a white circle on a red background, one that flew high over the Reichstag in Berlin as the death camps, should be banned from a company that wants to establish democratic and civilized.
With the decision not to make public these symbols of undoubted array xenophobic, homophobic and racist, there is the risk of confusing especially the younger ones. Young people sometimes take strong positions in politics, but not be fully aware of what is behind the thought and the symbols of their political choice entails. If the authorities have already launched this signal is unclear, as you can move so that certain ideologies are not in our young recruits and not even aware of what this means?

I have the premonition that my attack on Nazi symbols bring about in some people the idea that the swastika should be banned along with other symbols facing more left. The main difference between the swastika and sickle & hammer is that if the first was conceived from the minds of a regime with certain ideas and under that symbol have put them into practice, the second is the undisputed symbol of the workers' struggle, later used by regimes questionable and have manipulated the symbol at their pleasure, stained with crimes no less serious than the Nazis, but most of the improper use of the symbols of the workers' struggle. To think that way, that all the symbols under which it has done wrong must be punished, we will even have to ban the Christian cross under which the kingdoms and empires of the West have perpetrated the most infamous massacres in history. You do not want to get them, but personally the Nazi swastika is the symbol par excellence of a sick mind, horrible, a terrible black shadow on the recent history of humanity, we must not and can not make that a thought like that Nazi can still find opportunities.


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