Sunday, February 13, 2011

Racquel Darrian (porsche Or Car)

little questions to the candidates: my answers

rispote Here are my questions to the candidates Ticinonews made by the Grand Council.

1) A brief biography.
I was born in Mendrisio 19 May 1983 and have always been domiciled in Balerna, town where I grew up. My training after compulsory schooling I first raised in Como, where I achieved artistic maturity in 2002. They then returned to study in Ticino to follow the SUP in the social studies, receiving his professional degree. Since 2008 working as an educator at the Mother of provident Balerna. In 2008 I was elected as city councilor in Balerna.

2) How did your passion for politics?
The interest in politics has matured during high school in Como, where political debate was not something outside of school, but penetration and hovered in the hallways and classrooms. The emergence of movements like the people of Seattle and the facts of the G8 in Genoa were the episodes that made me aware I wanted to follow the road policy. So begins a period of reading and study and learn to know the thoughts and deeds of people like Karl Marx, Ernesto Guevara, Leon Trotsky, and Lenin, but without losing touch with reality in which I lived. In 2003, the MPS meeting, which begins to work as a cartoonist, collaboration that continues to this day. Even today the design is the primary tool with which I give free rein to my thoughts, ripping the bitter laugh that satire is born. Over the years I have been able to enrich, deepen political issues and participate in events like the Social Forum in Paris and the range of the 4th International. In 2007, the proposal to put the left balernitana listing in my community council election in April 2008. I divide my time between his job as City Council, where I try to bring my vision and progressive anti-capitalist, and the continuing militant struggle for a better world.
3) What are the issues that are dearest to us?
Right now I feel very close to the youth question, still consider a young man. I get ideas constantly talking to my peers, with fellow youth group of MPS, with students and apprentices during the meeting that leaflets. There is an uncertain future before us and the generations that come after. More and more young people are discriminated against because they do not produce but most do not produce, the more they are hindered in doing so. To the young man is required to be trained and up to 25/30 years you live on the shoulders of parents (who can) or small jobs. Once formed, however, it turns out that the young man is too expensive and then has to put his degree and his master and work in the first place that's being offered, or even cutting the unemployment insurance subsidy. Insecurity in the wild, where it is difficult to leave and then expect to be independent, to think of a house or a family ... with all the social costs involved. Oppose constructively in these conditions is one of the objectives we set ourselves with the MPS, through proposed facility for young people in educational, cultural and transport.

4) What are the most urgent problems to solve for in Ticino?
I think that we can not think in silos, the problems surrounding this canton are chained together and must be able to get a good overview of the problems. Moreover, being a border State, willy-nilly through our ups and downs also pass by the moods of the reality that surrounds us. However, I believe that safety is one of the problems of our region, but not the police and security checks done, but a social security, where the State can vouch for the welfare of citizens, guaranteeing the right to health, education and employment. The liberal capitalist system, where the individual is to have to make way in the world market and selling them as best he can, he produced and maintains this climate of unhealthy competition that divides the foreign workers, frontier workers, native formats and not doing is that discrimination in wages and race can be stirred up and ride by the same people that feed the sickness.

5) What is the Ticino who dreams of the future? A
Ticino, where you have no fear. A Ticino, where workers are treated as people first and not as costs or profits. A Ticino where the defaulters are only those who are kissing on scooters. A Ticino where all young people have the means to ensure themselves a future and this County. Ticino a more cohesive and greater social justice. A Ticino that there is no engulf the jungle of the free market and think its citizens with new projects.
Let us be realistic, demand the impossible. (Che Guevara)

6) Why should we elect you?
Rate me and all the young fellows of the list MPS / PC means an act of trust. To trust the new faces, new and progressive ideas, a willingness to fight for a Ticino and a different world. We live the reality of everyday life on our skin, the difficulties of today and take us come see tomorrow's meeting. Personally I will continue to do so even if I were elected, although they had the opportunity to give voice to these difficulties when it is right to be heard.


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