If one thinks of the protests of the '60s and '70s, where the student-youth movement was the engine of the events throughout Europe, we think that the middle class and conservative in this historical period in power, it is convenient to keep young people disinterested, unable to organize and drag the masses. In doing so young people become an easy target, and without the means to defend themselves. The various youth forum (cantonal or municipal), always controlled by the adult authorities, can not be defined as an instrument of active politics, but of indoctrination to a way of thinking and acting valid under the current system. We are seeing more and more to a process that sees young people distance themselves from politics and thus from society, but quite the contrary. The capitalist system in crisis now lies on the weaker classes facendogliele pay for his sins. This is so that young people, with foreigners are labeled as a "public enemies", because socially costly, be punished by measures that tend to isolate them and make them more vulnerable (such as the latest amendment of LADI, which will come into force in April). We can not stand by while our young people are continually attacked and put in difficulty by the system that now has no more answers to give.
must respond to the real problems of young people, their precarious social and material guarantees and facilities to ensure that the working world can not accept them and exploit them like they do now. First, the state should set an example of a change in that direction by increasing significantly the numbers cantonal administration of apprenticeships and strengthening full-time training for those who can not find an apprenticeship. We also know that many young people can not afford to study or pursue some formations that rests on the shoulders of families, increasing in difficulty, it is a matter of poor material and not feel like doing. For this we should expect an increase of 20% of the amount made available for grants to study, which would bring more young people to take training without families find themselves on the streets or dependent care. Moreover, as has been struggling in the world of workers, including apprentices should have the right to minimum wage I can assure at least not yet burden on his family.
practical help to the training of young people means creating a future of capable people who can look to the future.
One company, however, also needs active citizens and present. To create citizenship, belonging and culture also need that students and trainees can have free access to the places where the culture is, in all events in cultural and public transport. These are the incentives for youth to remain in their communities and in their corner, contributing to the growth and welfare of the society in which they live. In this sense Balerna through an interpellation to contribute to young in training carried out by the group Balerna Futura, you could get a doubling of the municipal contribution for those who purchase a subscription Rainbow. A small sign that goes towards helping young people in their professional development, including improving the road.
These are the answers that attacks the capitalist and middle classes deserve, concrete proposals that respond to practical needs, aiming at the reintegration of young people in society, giving them an active part in helping them materially in their educational process and life.
Last but not least I think it is important that young people who study or work, and then take part in the 'economy of the country, can participate from the very beginning to the life policy, having the opportunity to comment since the 16 years the votes of our direct democracy decisions about the future and that young people will live on their shoulders. To young people than ever have the right to express themselves.
fight for and with our young people. Fight for our children and then for our future, is the most profitable investment we can do!
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