Monday, March 14, 2011
Leica Geo Office Demo
As we already know the satire does not just make people laugh or entertain, what he does comedy. The satire has to be able to reflect, indignation and anger. Someone calls it the "laughing green that caused by the satire, like green bile. The satire hits hard when no one else dares. Since ancient times it is used to strike the powerful and their costumes are not always consistent and elegant, giving the possibility of a different view of things, not distorted or disguised, but in a different way of approaching issues. The satire is not right nor left, and the satire is for ordinary people who do not want to be continually taken in by right-thinking political and moralistic dictates from any they are part.
The satire can be a political tool? And if so, how to use it? From this theme I was lucky, a few years ago, before a candidate in municipal elections, to have an exchange of mail with a master of satire Italian: Daniele Luttazzi.
The answer is yes, satire is a tool for policy-making and the first who must know how to use the politicians themselves, so can only be described as "close to the people" or "open to new solutions."
In these years of active political satire has always helped me to turn the themes that kept coming on the political agenda and to find flaws and conflicts. The satire is essential to raise doubts. And since that the active policy requires a constant exercise of patience (the democratic times are longer than one expects) the satire, if properly used, it helps to take advantage of such a long time to examine an issue from various angles
Sometimes, despite the different analysis, one may be surprising to discover that your political opponent has had a practical idea better than yours. Here the satire is a lot to soothe the wounded narcissism and accept the reasoning of others. For this is a political satire, the satire in this policy must be able to enter the front door. Anyone who thinks that the satire is to stay out of theaters of politics is because he knows that through the satire used on him we would find the dog that is acting. My presence on
satirical Solidarity is therefore not a simple showcase of entertainment, but a way of doing politics by highlighting the contradictions on which the current system is based. My way of doing politics that is ready to overturn the convictions and dogmas, with assistance sharp ripping some bitter smile and try to make inroads into the minds, to rethink our world!
Lucio Negri
Friday, March 11, 2011
What Film Do I Need For A Polaroid Impulse
Here is the text of the letter that was published in the Ticino region March 10, 2011.
Cara Region
I address you with this letter here because I consider you the only daily that Ticino offers news, views and stories of small realities of our particular land.
And above all I would like to thank you for this.
I am a girl of 26 years, born and raised in Valley Blenio. For many years I have dabbled in various artistic and social fields, primarily in regard to youth activities, always in the arts-music-film. With some friends we had also founded an association that was responsible for giving space to young cinema - with passion and delight - Ticino.
We have encountered many difficulties in implementing projects that are not too large, but certainly important signals of Ticino a young person who wants "to do", "create" and especially "to believe what he does." And excuse me if I would but: this is not small thing!
signal was also especially important one, for the most part negative: the Ticino has shown quite close (and sometimes even reluctantly) in receiving various small projects. If it were not for the office young people who could pay a subsidy for the construction of a feature film, this project - among the many who had planned and were intended to involve young local artists also very smart - he would not could never be realized.
Some time ago I noted that after nearly seven years, the situation has not changed: on the contrary can be said to be worse. I refer to the news on the implementation of a music competition with attached event, organized by young people from Ticino, Ticino, and even for young people through the Department of Education and the Foundation Tamagni.
The topic: "Write a song for peace and nonviolence." Important and thick as a theme, do not you think? Yet these brave boys did not find fertile ground, especially when they had to begin to activate a search for sponsors for the organization of an important event to be held in late April.
It is a pity Ticino is proved that the person concerned and supporter of these important initiatives. We
election campaign and it comes to helping people, to improve relations between them and the authorities and to improve their daily lives. It is also much talk of security, violence, racism and intolerance. I seem to feel that they are just words on paper and thrown to the wind, to gain some consensus on the most, as if every person who boasts of these thoughts so deep he had just noticed the problem described above, would have made contact and made a spontaneous donation (though small it is). Ticino
citizens should start thinking of themselves as people very special. And above all should think this of their children.
I think that young Ticino have much to offer in many fields, from artistic to business for example. This is because the young
Ticino has lived as a child in an environment full of stimulation and challenges that could have led to develop a sensitivity and mentality as to be more attentive and open to many other situations that we might envy the Swiss cantons. If we make a comparison
fact, the general problems in Ticino are more varied than some cantons and even closer to us.
Think of the variety of cultures and ethnic minorities that we are in Ticino: may also be an issue in several respects, but may instead be a great resource for young Ticino that draws from the diversity of these and then prepares to enter into the cosmopolitan society.
Think of the unemployment problem: here we see it as a problem - and I stress that it is - but we can also look at the other side of the coin. I have seen many guys who are busy in every way to be able to make ends meet, even more work part time at the same time.
We should learn to re-evaluate our young people, giving them greater voice and greater possibilities of expression in the various sectors of society. In my opinion, in this context, the word Order is "Communication".
We have to go with young people, for young people and not for other interests.
We must listen to young people, and not just sending words that are incomprehensible to their ears.
We need to talk "with" young and not "to" young people.
We have a huge potential here in Ticino, a totally untapped potential: the willingness of young Ticino in different spheres of society.
Thanks to you too then, since you are part of this world.
Elisa Maiorano
Nominated Grand Council, Civic Force
Friday, March 4, 2011
Cardboard Box As Checked
Association Luminanda
spring 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 17:00
Voices of Tam-Tam
Whispers of Africa told through sounds
and traditional legends
Recommended Age: 3 - 6 years
Wednesday, March 9, 17:00
The boy and the daughter of the Sun
American legend lives on horseback
Recommended Age: 6 - 10 years
Wednesday, March 23, 17:00
A rhythm of charm
Colorful Tales from Brazil
Recommended Age: 3 - 6 years
Wednesday, April 6, 17:00
The vampire grateful
stories of people wandering and courageous
Recommended Age: 6 - 10 years
Wednesday, April 20, 17:00
The old woman Who Could Cheat Death
Europe 's row and tells the stories of
its beautiful lands
Age: 3 - 6 years
Wednesday, April 27, 10.30
Tarari Tararera ...
An 'explosion of sounds happy to name the world
from the first syllables spoken by children
Wednesday, May 4, 17:00
Fabulous woven silk
Tales from the Far East with delicate paintings
Chinese that come to life
Recommended Age: 6 - 10 years
Wednesday, May 11, 10:30 am
Poetic Alphabet told the more small to let
pampered by the words and play with them
Age: 18 - 36 months
Wednesday, May 18, 17:00
Echoes of the Ocean
Bright rainbows become snake charmer
telling Songlines' s Oceania
Recommended Age: 3 - 6 years
Wednesday 1 June, 17.00
Paper lands imagine
and the child who dreamed of the infinite
Myths and legends of the worlds emerging and
Recommended Age: 6 - 10 years
Friday, February 25, 2011
Indiana Health Insurance Excludes Surrogacy
If one thinks of the protests of the '60s and '70s, where the student-youth movement was the engine of the events throughout Europe, we think that the middle class and conservative in this historical period in power, it is convenient to keep young people disinterested, unable to organize and drag the masses. In doing so young people become an easy target, and without the means to defend themselves. The various youth forum (cantonal or municipal), always controlled by the adult authorities, can not be defined as an instrument of active politics, but of indoctrination to a way of thinking and acting valid under the current system. We are seeing more and more to a process that sees young people distance themselves from politics and thus from society, but quite the contrary. The capitalist system in crisis now lies on the weaker classes facendogliele pay for his sins. This is so that young people, with foreigners are labeled as a "public enemies", because socially costly, be punished by measures that tend to isolate them and make them more vulnerable (such as the latest amendment of LADI, which will come into force in April). We can not stand by while our young people are continually attacked and put in difficulty by the system that now has no more answers to give.
must respond to the real problems of young people, their precarious social and material guarantees and facilities to ensure that the working world can not accept them and exploit them like they do now. First, the state should set an example of a change in that direction by increasing significantly the numbers cantonal administration of apprenticeships and strengthening full-time training for those who can not find an apprenticeship. We also know that many young people can not afford to study or pursue some formations that rests on the shoulders of families, increasing in difficulty, it is a matter of poor material and not feel like doing. For this we should expect an increase of 20% of the amount made available for grants to study, which would bring more young people to take training without families find themselves on the streets or dependent care. Moreover, as has been struggling in the world of workers, including apprentices should have the right to minimum wage I can assure at least not yet burden on his family.
practical help to the training of young people means creating a future of capable people who can look to the future.
One company, however, also needs active citizens and present. To create citizenship, belonging and culture also need that students and trainees can have free access to the places where the culture is, in all events in cultural and public transport. These are the incentives for youth to remain in their communities and in their corner, contributing to the growth and welfare of the society in which they live. In this sense Balerna through an interpellation to contribute to young in training carried out by the group Balerna Futura, you could get a doubling of the municipal contribution for those who purchase a subscription Rainbow. A small sign that goes towards helping young people in their professional development, including improving the road.
These are the answers that attacks the capitalist and middle classes deserve, concrete proposals that respond to practical needs, aiming at the reintegration of young people in society, giving them an active part in helping them materially in their educational process and life.
Last but not least I think it is important that young people who study or work, and then take part in the 'economy of the country, can participate from the very beginning to the life policy, having the opportunity to comment since the 16 years the votes of our direct democracy decisions about the future and that young people will live on their shoulders. To young people than ever have the right to express themselves.
fight for and with our young people. Fight for our children and then for our future, is the most profitable investment we can do!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Racquel Darrian (porsche Or Car)
rispote Here are my questions to the candidates Ticinonews made by the Grand Council.
1) A brief biography.
I was born in Mendrisio 19 May 1983 and have always been domiciled in Balerna, town where I grew up. My training after compulsory schooling I first raised in Como, where I achieved artistic maturity in 2002. They then returned to study in Ticino to follow the SUP in the social studies, receiving his professional degree. Since 2008 working as an educator at the Mother of provident Balerna. In 2008 I was elected as city councilor in Balerna.
2) How did your passion for politics?
The interest in politics has matured during high school in Como, where political debate was not something outside of school, but penetration and hovered in the hallways and classrooms. The emergence of movements like the people of Seattle and the facts of the G8 in Genoa were the episodes that made me aware I wanted to follow the road policy. So begins a period of reading and study and learn to know the thoughts and deeds of people like Karl Marx, Ernesto Guevara, Leon Trotsky, and Lenin, but without losing touch with reality in which I lived. In 2003, the MPS meeting, which begins to work as a cartoonist, collaboration that continues to this day. Even today the design is the primary tool with which I give free rein to my thoughts, ripping the bitter laugh that satire is born. Over the years I have been able to enrich, deepen political issues and participate in events like the Social Forum in Paris and the range of the 4th International. In 2007, the proposal to put the left balernitana listing in my community council election in April 2008. I divide my time between his job as City Council, where I try to bring my vision and progressive anti-capitalist, and the continuing militant struggle for a better world.
3) What are the issues that are dearest to us?
Right now I feel very close to the youth question, still consider a young man. I get ideas constantly talking to my peers, with fellow youth group of MPS, with students and apprentices during the meeting that leaflets. There is an uncertain future before us and the generations that come after. More and more young people are discriminated against because they do not produce but most do not produce, the more they are hindered in doing so. To the young man is required to be trained and up to 25/30 years you live on the shoulders of parents (who can) or small jobs. Once formed, however, it turns out that the young man is too expensive and then has to put his degree and his master and work in the first place that's being offered, or even cutting the unemployment insurance subsidy. Insecurity in the wild, where it is difficult to leave and then expect to be independent, to think of a house or a family ... with all the social costs involved. Oppose constructively in these conditions is one of the objectives we set ourselves with the MPS, through proposed facility for young people in educational, cultural and transport.
4) What are the most urgent problems to solve for in Ticino?
I think that we can not think in silos, the problems surrounding this canton are chained together and must be able to get a good overview of the problems. Moreover, being a border State, willy-nilly through our ups and downs also pass by the moods of the reality that surrounds us. However, I believe that safety is one of the problems of our region, but not the police and security checks done, but a social security, where the State can vouch for the welfare of citizens, guaranteeing the right to health, education and employment. The liberal capitalist system, where the individual is to have to make way in the world market and selling them as best he can, he produced and maintains this climate of unhealthy competition that divides the foreign workers, frontier workers, native formats and not doing is that discrimination in wages and race can be stirred up and ride by the same people that feed the sickness.
5) What is the Ticino who dreams of the future? A
Ticino, where you have no fear. A Ticino, where workers are treated as people first and not as costs or profits. A Ticino where the defaulters are only those who are kissing on scooters. A Ticino where all young people have the means to ensure themselves a future and this County. Ticino a more cohesive and greater social justice. A Ticino that there is no engulf the jungle of the free market and think its citizens with new projects.
Let us be realistic, demand the impossible. (Che Guevara)
6) Why should we elect you?
Rate me and all the young fellows of the list MPS / PC means an act of trust. To trust the new faces, new and progressive ideas, a willingness to fight for a Ticino and a different world. We live the reality of everyday life on our skin, the difficulties of today and take us come see tomorrow's meeting. Personally I will continue to do so even if I were elected, although they had the opportunity to give voice to these difficulties when it is right to be heard.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
(sons Or Brothers) Who Wear Girdles
Sometimes you have to be careful how we use the words positive or negative approach to a discussion can be constructive or destructive.
We often talk about problems, only solutions for holding the end, but failing to offer anything concrete. And because this happens?
Simply because we start the conversation in question from the "wrong" (if I may say). And all the energy to find these solutions focus solely on the problem itself and not to its resolution.
You say: "Yes, but it must necessarily start from the problem to talk about his solution."
course. But the problem must first make room for its solution.
It makes sense to spend time (and often money) in speeches lead nowhere?
Why do not we start to act and take matters in hand?
Why do not we start to spend time and energy into a nice discussion on possible measures to be taken?
begin to discuss a treatment, and not of disease, methods to prevent pollution, and beyond it; of employment and not unemployment.
The theme of employment, especially among young people in Ticino, is very expensive.
Who has not tried the hard way what it means to be unemployed, or without a permanent job, or have ever had anyone in your family or friends with whom - stayed at home for various reasons (injustice, economic disasters) - Had to revolutionize his whole life and often also that of family policy conditions that make it difficult for anything?
And, even more important question - given that I speak of occupation - those who have never had problems looking for work? For the young
Ticino just graduated (high school or university graduates) are often told: "You're overqualified" or "You do not have enough experience."
Who falls into the world of work after maternity leave or a period of illness feels gloss: "Sorry, but look for someone who has had a continuous work in recent years" .
Who is a little 'beyond the age is not doing better: "Unfortunately, try someone younger."
Very often, these responses are not simply the result of a single purpose: the saving.
Nothing wrong if a company wants to save money, but there are different ways to do so.
Some people still believe that making workers unhappy and cutting down on their heads, you can save ... In numbers, of course, but nobody ever thinks that the employee and potential employee will be great additions to the company itself, and then also to society.
and Ticino is full of this added value.
We talk about the potential employee, who is looking for a job:
- wants to do;
- want to start maybe in a field that is purely his own;
- did not want instead of settle for unemployment benefits that it provides no safety over time.
Have you ever wondered why young people who go abroad to study or only in central Switzerland, never come back here?
certainly do not because they are not linked to the Ticino and would not want to live here. The answer frequently in my peers is always the same: "There is no work." The
young to have a job, he needs experience. How do I make him do?
We offer paid internships for students at all levels, in various companies in the canton.
And for those looking for a job? Why not propose the same thing in addition to unemployment benefits?
The result: experience for the person in question can be known by the employer (this assumption often leads to permanent) realization of the individual, early integration into the labor market.
And what companies could be given as "exchange"?
Financial contributions and tax relief, not only for these stages, but also to companies that employ staff of the place.
So let's also add value to businesses and the labor market in general in Ticino.
A common border can afford not to pay taxes for ten years at a multinational multi-millionaire - who employ staff certainly not living in Ticino (although it was said that at least 50% will be ... you believe it?) - and the Ticino, which they live, they are older, who pay taxes and love this land so there are only the concerns of a professional future uncertain?
The word, even to you.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Materials That Block Wifi
Before you continue reading this essay, I ask you a question: how many times you happen to find work, find what you are doing for you, but all of a sudden not be assumed that c ' who knew that candidate was responsible?
certainly has happened to you.
Although you had more skills and experience.
is important to begin to change the trend as this happens even in high places, and is often where the trouble begins.
on the boards large companies - those that often control our health and our economy - characters are inserted that have nothing to do with the field of membership of the company. Only because they are "acquaintances", "friends", or more frequently "are part of that party."
certainly nothing new ... but it is professional and above all safe you think?
The world clearly is "unfair", there are lobbies that control everything ... those who have money can afford to do what he wants (and is not a commonplace that). But why resigned to the advent of these events?
We can reverse the trend?
Yes, we can do. Without party politics.
Our candidates not only speak to those of the Council of State, but also those of the Grand Council have these skills .
Why do I say this? Why skills can not be seen only on paper, but in life every day in life that sometimes slams on the ground and struggling to raise us.
skills are those of real life .
are those that people with dependent children and are alone;
are those that young people who have lost parents and young people have had to roll up their sleeves to work and study, perhaps for a future;
are those that have the "normal people" who struggle with life and every day bills .
who better to people who know exactly what IS IT?
responses I leave to you.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Female Ring Wrestling
I chose
Young people need space, to give vent to their abilities and their thoughts, now more than ever. Without being channeled into thoughts already in place.
Why we should all be equal? Everyone must act to preserve their individuality for the common good.
How possible? Doing what he is doing
The issues are addressed from the root, the seed, then from the top down and the small, and then come up.
We know that the world is difficult, the problems are many and can not be solved in a jiffy. But we can do and we are confident.
For my part I can say that will go to the youth, as at the end I have always done - in fact I work with several groups - communicating with them and find out what the real problems. Above all I want to create spaces "suitable for young."
The association of ideas, and most areas where they can express themselves - in various areas of life - is no small thing.
Young are the fabric of society not only today, but most of tomorrow.
Elisa Maiorano
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Next Straw Hat Member
3 ½ years of silence
During this time arrived on the desks of various municipal councils of the proposal to establish local youth forum. The question that now arises is that this initiative is only a tool for pre-election become sensitive to the needs of youth in the eyes of potential voters, after three and a half years of silence on the issue of youth.
The proposal comes from the political world does not seem to reflect the real needs of young people. Those mobilize young people who do it to have space to find each other, dealing with the means, tools and methods that characterize them, not that they are designed and imposed from
But what the Youth Forum ?
Municipal Youth Forum is one of the tools that the County, through Infogiovani, created and made available to local authorities and political authorities who wanted to use. The model that inspired the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Forum of Young City is the existing cantonal council of the young and already understands the limited political clout that these forums may have in fact local. In fact, apart from during the days of Council meeting in Canton, during the year is as if the body disappears from the public realm and proposals designed to put a drawer. Following the indications of Infogiovani, the forum will be convened in the hall of the City Council by a committee composed of young people. As you can compose a committee of young people by young people if it is not part of the demand for instituting a forum? By that criterion involves a particular group of young people to take the effort to establish the Committee? Moreover, with the establishment of a committee is already creating a hierarchy typical of the bourgeois system, that these forums want to play already in the reality of youth.
The forum provides for the establishment the figure of a secretary who, according to regulation, is designated by the Municipality, and is an adult. Although the secretary must be a supporting role to the Committee, in force control of the adult world and the authorities on what will be discussed and decided among young people.
addition to direct control over committee meetings, the youth interested in participating in the forum to announce his presence, camouflaged under control yet another gesture of your logistics needs.
tool "for" or a "trap" against "?
With these forums, offered in this way, young people are encouraged by the political authorities to do something they have not asked to do, to go places in their semi-strangers (Town Hall) and do not form part of their lives: the mountain that goes from Maometto.Cosi by young people is always "guests" of the institutions. If young people do not respond positively to the forum will always be their fault, who can not grasp the opportunities as well as the finger pointing. A tool that becomes filled with sound principles of control and trap type, and not least of discrimination between those who participate and who does not. Let us return then to the famous model of social classification that has given impetus to right-wing forces in recent years, white sheep and black sheep.
For the bourgeois political and social-liberal politics is control and this control needs to start immediately. This is why in some municipalities hinders the creation of youth centers and instead promote the forum. The Centre not from the real chance to the political authorities to influence and mediate new ideas and genuine young people.
The Forum has the structure of a rabbit common "open", which discusses the issues brought up by the Committee with the rules of the current system. Youth are imposed on the old system without giving them the opportunity and the freedom to create a new system. Define the innovations keep control ... pretending to do something for them.
New proposals for a policy "with"
If you want to watch the young and participate in political life must give the appropriate means, give them confidence, responsibility and ensure that you build a staff awareness about their surroundings. It is a few months ago the debate on lowering the voting age from 18 to 16 years. A proposal that the bourgeois parties continue to hinder the fear of losing control on the young. But if we understand politics as an investment and not as an instrument of control, the young people of 16 have every right to start taking the responsibility to inform themselves and express their opinions, because in most cases the decisions made during the voting or federal Cantonal direct concern their future. Rather than make a futile exercise of democratic simulation, as proposed in the forum, young people are entitled to speak about what concerns them, thus giving themselves a political weight. Another question is to give young people the opportunity to create their own culture, interests, and take new challenges. To do this we should strive for a culture open to young people, with free entry to exhibitions and cultural events, cinemas and theaters before doing so, as well as their interests even at their precarious financial condition, changing the culture from unnecessary spending freely meeting.
These are just a few requests that the MPS carries out, a society that is with young people and not for or against, the risk to leave them alone anyway. The youth must be part and parcel of the political, cultural and social and is not sticky on the pre-made templates that you create all this.
NO preset to a forum of young people.
NO to an instrument of control over young
Friday, January 7, 2011
Cocktail Dresses Modest
Here you can read my speech at the last City Council Balerna, regarding the 2011 budget:
Gentlemen Municipal Comrade President, colleagues and comrades, DC The group
Balerna Futura approve the accounts for 2011 budget, drawn up as usual in an exemplary manner by the department head and the chief accountant. (...)
What we have in our hands but it's still a budget in the red, the second row, where they make off the first bell rings and fears about the future of measures to contain costs.
latter are summarized in three points, three roads you can take:
- Increase the multiplier
- cuts staff by not replacing
- Cuts to services
All three routes provide a damage in one way or another, the quality of life for people Balerna. Measures that part of the majority of the committee urges the administration to consider, especially with regard to the restrain spending and then cutting services. It is certainly desirable in a period like this in every department uses a weighted public funds available, without waste or excessive, but not at the expense of the population and its needs.
But there is also a fourth option in our view, that can be integrated, the most logical but is at odds with the laws of the capitalist market: take the money where we are, or to pay the rich. The methods are different, we can assume an extra contribution for incomes that exceed a certain figure, a kind of solidarity contribution to be clear, until you get an increase in rates for entities that create their profits individuals in the municipal area and sometimes cause disruption to traffic and the environment of the municipality. If Balerna are in this situation is the fault of the capitalist system and the free market and open-minded, and believe, as a group of progressive and left this in this forum, it is right that those who create the problem contributes actively to solve it. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna argued that capitalism is "free free fox in hen house" and Balerna not want to end up like chickens. It is therefore not a question of postponing the problem is rather a matter of defense services and the right of our citizens to enjoy it. I also invite other groups of the City Council not to get caught up syndrome of "Edward Scissorhands." In the estimate
luckily we also note a substantial short chapter on investment. Although for most of these these are works of maintenance or safety measures already discussed here, is also given ample space for future projects. The Municipality will Futura Balerna a partner in the group as always active and available even if at times critical, critical and different visions who want to be constructive for the welfare of the town and its inhabitants. Our critics and be proactive Balerna Futura brought the group to be the only group named in this budget, about our motion, "For a competition of ideas", a sign that if there are those who keep alive the political debate around the issues that matter this is the group Balerna Futura.
In conclusion, although budget is not talked about, something seems to move from the point of aggregation. As a group we can only ralleggrarcene, although we would like to aggregate in order to improve for all and not a simple partisan division of the territory. Affaire a suivre, we'll be there!
Lucio Negri