Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Make Someone's Life Miserable

Castle The library card

July and we still, I start Monday, but with a question: what to do now? Closed a speech he opens another, removed a concern that emerges here is another .. you can never be calm! The reaction was there and now I feel better, although there are quite popular at this time, find ourselves in the library with him also allowed me to get used to it and fix even the notion that " with you I do not even think, c 'it is he who makes you happy .. .
Suddenly the house of cards has fallen: a bit of time I've filled with lies.
say I do not know now if our report is or was beautiful because it is based on sincerity, speeches of any kind without censorship or masks, mutual criticism with the aim to build and improve because we love. Life has taught me to be suspicious and not believe what others say or do I mean, the beauty of you is that all my defenses were down more or less deliberately because your eyes that know me well will quickly find if there was something wrong .. hours thinking back I recall occasions when in fact some do not add up, situations in which there was something wrong, now I'm short, it is clear that you told me a lot of lies and made to believe a different reality .
Ok you lied to me about the university in general (testing data, dates appeals, various efforts ..) and your extra effort and who knows what else .. but do not want to think, you lied to me and we can be if we are only acquaintances, and there binds a relationship of deep friendship, but an open heart tell you that unfortunately is not so!
is not so because I would not hurt as I am feeling now, would not give me the strength to speak with your companions and friends of course and discover how far you've gone further in building the maps and plans of the castle As in times of trouble you wore a fake dress strong patched with lies. All I dropped him like a cold shower, one of them could not stay longer in silence, seeing in this situation, in this reality far removed from real life does not have it done and I said "Wake ! but do you think goes really well ?" followed by a series of recent and past secrets to your path of study and commitments, about the hardships and hard times that I've kept hidden ...
I feel cheated and I do not cope well with these conflicting feelings that I feel for you, perhaps the disappointment leads me to remain silent, but I know well and I know that eventually the nodes will be laid on the table and tell you what I think. I'm not angry or even want to stigmatize this to your behavior because who can say they never told a lie? maybe I feel like a non-invited at a party, an outcast from your life or even worse, one that makes you feel judged.
I'm very sorry, I leave for the mountains with a bitter taste and coldness towards you that from a certain side of the heart made me feel better, even head- you look into your eyes and smile even when I do not be "Happy Holidays

ps: yesterday your boyfriend asked me to go 2tiri basketball, but I was already committed, maybe we'll go today, but I still wonder now: is the right thing? I must not be tempted to ask him questions to see if the same lies have served up to him ..


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