In these days of heat and nullafacezia the only thing that makes you lose liters of sweat may be the reading. I wanted to take our hands a compendium of Philosophy in high school memory dwelling on one of the most fascinating ancient philosophers: Parmenides .
Parmenides was the first to support the superiority of the rational interpretation of reality to the detriment of the interpretation of subjective meaning, which distort the objectivity of the trial. Parmenides required to judge the second reason: the reason, and not the eye (the senses) see the truth. Parmenides then existed only for the being, which by its nature, while the non-being is not and can not be. With this in Parmenides questions many of the things we take for granted: the movement, the becoming of things, their changing ... and all along the only reason to interpret the reality. His theory displaces and causes a crisis, it is paradoxical and fascinating at the same time.
For example will take up a written Zeno, a pupil of Parmenides, who dedicated his life to defend the ideas and the thought of his teacher. Through the story "Achilles and the tortoise " Zeno crease as we move into EALTA there. For Zeno
motion explains how the transition from a point of departure to a point of arrival. But to get to the point of arrival must arrive before the middle of this path, and to get to the middle of this route you get to the middle of the path that runs from the beginning to the middle, and so on, in essence, a man, to reach a position in space, it must always first take the intermediate segments and these segments, the space being infinitely divisible, are endless ... Now, how can Achilles reach the tortoise if it is grappling with the infinite division of space separating it from it?
infinite division of space means that Achilles actually never moves, but always remains stationary, unable to exit from the endless series of segments scored.
infinite division of space means that Achilles actually never moves, but always remains stationary, unable to exit from the endless series of segments scored.
Furthermore, the movement is still a sequential series of snapshots (positions of buildings that follow one after the other), how can they take such positions moving real estate, where properties are? How can lead to the movement from non-movement?
Men who do not follow the path of truth, motivated by the interpretation of reality through reason, there is the struggle to match the appearance of significant contrary to the conclusions suggested by reason.
What can I say? will continue to fight!
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