Monday, May 19, 2008

Stomach Bug And Early Period


Today, ten years since my debut as a playwright.

was 19 May 1998 when he went to the Teatro Tasso in Naples, "All the women," my first play and small. In that show was already Ivan Castiglione, in fact, these ten years of work, also correspond to our friendship that only a few months later he added that with Giuseppe Miale Mauro.
This year has been very important for us, not deny it, but we like to believe is the result of ten years of "fatigue", almost artisan work to advance our understanding of theater and working together . Each

of us has his own individual experience, but knowing that you have a home to return to, however, has made us stronger.

After ten years we are here, still designing, still imagine a future in one way or another see us together. It 'clear, were also difficult years, I thought of giving up more than once and it was a thought not only mine, I guess. E 'is equally clear that there have been ups and downs in work and in the report, we have grown, we have changed, but in 2008 we are here to talk about "Gomorrah" and especially because of what abiamo built.

Now there are new friends, travel companions, I think of Francis Lever and Adriano Pantaleo, who brought a new life, but the tree is strong and will find us again, and hopefully for a long time to work together.


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