In the middle of a bunch of politicians who only know how to do unseemly brawls because their only purpose is to be able to get their hands on the mountain of taxes we pay, to manage public expenditure in the way of patronage that we all know, we must recognize that at least Visco did not use false words of laps but had the courage to admit that Italy is in disarray. The most reliable indicators are now agrees in our country for 41 th place in gradutoria world's most competitive countries. Remember that once we were in the top five. We realize that we all go forward and we will soon be in the company of third world countries? How did we end up like this?
not tell me that all the blame should go back to her reckless party politics that has taken over all media, trade associations, trade unions employees, banking, education, etc.. etc.. It 's true, everything is subservient to the political parties. Even now the elections are a farce. What voters decide? Prodi and Berlusconi. Good fight to determine which one is the worst! Both are champions of the parties of expenditure, other than good government!
us? We try to do some 'self-criticism, or not?
If crowds have taken over all the powers where we were? A debate between Prodi and Berlusconi! A just do not take criticism from any party!
I hope that the healthier part of the country, the most industrious, the entrepreneurs who succeed in spite of everything again to continue their activities, the employees who continue to do their duty despite the many efforts to reach the end of the month, that Italy should stop getting lost in useless criticisms seriously and begin to think more constructively.
We must create a broad movement is in favor of liberalism and against statism sides openly against the cross-party public spending . We know that the movement
decidere.net says the same things that we say only that they say it better than us, with more appropriate terms. To end this disastrous situation and put forward comprehensive proposals articulated better than ours. We continue to discuss the Capezzone that has a history of radical or want to talk about concrete things to do?
I hope that the various spontaneous movements are a lot of courage to set aside petty jealousies and that common sense makes us all converge in a great, great movement that knows how to give hope to the honest part of the country and that would force the parasites to go work if you do not want to die of hunger.
If all movements are not united, we must resign ourselves to keep us Visco, tubs and all the others. A magistrate of Catanzaro discovers that Mastella is involved in wrongdoing? No fear for Casta: is transferred to the judge! We go on like this? Let 's
with Capezzone Pagliarini and Sunday 28 to 17.00 at the Starhotels Cristallo Palace Via Betty Ambiveri No 35 to 100 meters from the highway exit at Bergamo and see how to block the country's moral and economic decline.
John Bergamo, October 21, 2007
Committee "Less waste, Less Taxes"
Via San Francesco d'Assisi, 1 24121 Bergamo
Tel 035 271105 Fax 035 4178997
www.bastasprechi. org