Wednesday, October 24, 2007

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anti CASTA: let us join forces! Giancarlo Pagliarini

The Hon. Vincenzo Visco first contributes in a decisive and stubborn to ruin our businesses, causing the economic decline of the country (with its "field studies" and "IRAP" forcing many employers to pay up to 75% tax, with peaks up to 227%!) then crying crocodile tears. During the debate on "economic culture of the Democratic Party" along with Walter Veltroni and Pierluigi Bersani said: "Italy is clearly a country in decline, growing from ten years less than the average European. E 'burdened by debt. The country needs a message of truth that until now the ruling classes, frightened or unconscious, have not been able to give. "
In the middle of a bunch of politicians who only know how to do unseemly brawls because their only purpose is to be able to get their hands on the mountain of taxes we pay, to manage public expenditure in the way of patronage that we all know, we must recognize that at least Visco did not use false words of laps but had the courage to admit that Italy is in disarray. The most reliable indicators are now agrees in our country for 41 th place in gradutoria world's most competitive countries. Remember that once we were in the top five. We realize that we all go forward and we will soon be in the company of third world countries? How did we end up like this?
not tell me that all the blame should go back to her reckless party politics that has taken over all media, trade associations, trade unions employees, banking, education, etc.. etc.. It 's true, everything is subservient to the political parties. Even now the elections are a farce. What voters decide?
Prodi and Berlusconi. Good fight to determine which one is the worst! Both are champions of the parties of expenditure, other than good government!
us? We try to do some 'self-criticism, or not?
If crowds have taken over all the powers where we were? A debate between Prodi and Berlusconi! A just do not take criticism from any party!
I hope that the healthier part of the country, the most industrious, the entrepreneurs who succeed in spite of everything again to continue their activities, the employees who continue to do their duty despite the many efforts to reach the end of the month, that Italy should stop getting lost in useless criticisms seriously and begin to think more constructively.
We must create a broad movement is in favor of liberalism and against statism sides openly against the cross-party public spending . We know that the movement says the same things that we say only that they say it better than us, with more appropriate terms. To end this disastrous situation and put forward comprehensive proposals articulated better than ours. We continue to discuss the Capezzone that has a history of radical or want to talk about concrete things to do?
I hope that the various spontaneous movements are a lot of courage to set aside petty jealousies and that common sense makes us all converge in a great, great movement that knows how to give hope to the honest part of the country and that would force the parasites to go work if you do not want to die of hunger.
If all movements are not united, we must resign ourselves to keep us Visco, tubs and all the others. A magistrate of Catanzaro discovers that Mastella is involved in wrongdoing? No fear for Casta: is transferred to the judge! We go on like this? Let 's
with Capezzone Pagliarini and Sunday 28 to 17.00 at the Starhotels Cristallo Palace Via Betty Ambiveri No 35 to 100 meters from the highway exit at Bergamo and see how to block the country's moral and economic decline.

John Bergamo, October 21, 2007
Committee "Less waste, Less Taxes"
Via San Francesco d'Assisi, 1 24121 Bergamo
Tel 035 271105 Fax 035 4178997
www.bastasprechi. org

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

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's response to the North West Objective

Bravo! Below is how I developed the theme of federalism to the two events of 22 September in Rome DECIDERE.NET the Pantheon September 29 at the theater and Milan Angelicum. Then we talked about the October 11 to August 3 unconvegno on the decree of the so-called "fiscal federalism" at the State University of Milan.
If you agree on these ideas help me to run them. If there is anything that does not convince you tell me.

First identify the tasks of the state, which are of two types: legislative tasks and operational tasks

Second compliments legislation is "exclusive" (a few) and "competing ", together with the Regions. Even these few.

Third : all other laws are the responsibility of the individual regions. Also in competition with each other. It is not "chaos", is competing to see who manages better, where the quality of life is better, which is attracting more investment and where there is more security and less thieves at large.

Fourth the operational tasks of the central government are very few. Include the management of public debt of the Republic, but not the management of welfare (LSU, disability, etc.).

Fifth the tasks of the State are valued at standard cost

Sixth : the tasks of the state are financed by one of two national taxes. The "tax to pay for services of the State"

Seventh the second national tax is the "tax equalization and for solidarity." The pay all the proceeds go to a "common pot". We calculate the average national per capita GDP. The regions that are exceeding not receive anything. Those which generate a GDP per capita below the national average shares of cashing "fee for the solidarity and equalization," provided that there is significant tax evasion and social security contributions

Eighth the calculation is not performed nominal values, but based on "purchasing power".

Ninth everything else, all other fees, are managed by the regions. Principle of tax competition between regions. As in Switzerland. Example of the canton of Obwalden: they have decided to switch to short the flat tax.

Tenth: in the regions where you decide to give so many services to residents (citizens, businesses, associations, etc.) the tax burden will be higher than the pressure in regions where the directors decide to provide fewer services.

There seems logical? Hello. Straw

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Use Sudocrem On Impatigo

"Objective Northwest" willing to communicate and collaborate with ""

The Movement " Objective Northwest " always looks forward to everything that moves in the direction of change towards federalism in the country. For this "Objective Northwest" is available in mutual collaboration with the network " " on a draft of reforms and in particular on fiscal federalism competitive.
We would like a suggestion to include in the program political federalism, whereas without it, there can be no fiscal federalism.
Carlo Stagnaro, in his column, called federalism as an institutional entity pact different and mutually independent , who pool some skills.
Such a deal, therefore, leaves it to each contractor complete independence both from the political as in the fiscal , subject, of course, the tasks delegated to the center. It is very difficult even to imagine only a deal involving only the political sphere, rather than just the economic sphere.
The term "fiscal federalism" often takes on different meanings, such as simple tax management at the local level, which, in fact, would not bring any significant benefit to the citizen. It is therefore necessary to specify that municipalities, provinces and regions must decide which and how many charges impose and how to spend it, by keeping almost all subject to a percentage, determined in advance, to be directed at an equalization fund for the poorest regions.
But federalism is not just that, federalism is the recognition and protection of local identity and specificity , federalism is mainly popular sovereignty. We
"Objective Northwest" we believe we can make valuable contributions on this issue and, working with highly qualified and knows the field, one of its signatories to ", we can convert an" abstract "point in the program proposals in the series, practical and effective.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

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Giancarlo Pagliarini, a staunch fighter in the battle to reform the state in a liberal sense

Interview with Giancarlo Pagliarini
By Andrea Ferrari,
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

of turncoats in the country, the Liberals out of time and of the former, there a politician who still support the ideas for which it has always fought without the risk of appearing ridiculous and not credible. This man is
Giancarlo Pagliarini, a driving force of the Northern League from the early days, liberal and federalist convinced, a great nuisance in parliament and staunch fighter in battles to reform the state in a liberal sense , much to enthusiastically participate in a meeting in Milan on of the pension reform of the Prodi government. The usual Italian
compromise not going to touch the system he called the "candle to the Madonna", staircases and steps that the skin accaponare fan who, like him, has always offered a pension reform based on the funded system. A Pagliarini galvanized by the recent visit to Catalonia which is a great admirer and that does not fail to mention when I ask an opinion on the proposal of the tax strike launched by Bossi.
"Jordi Puyol own a few days ago he proposed a tax strike, but not because Zapatero's okay, but because the state does not comply with the commitments enshrined in the new Statute of Catalonia. In Italy, however, seem to me the power games. Bossi said he is an initiative to bring down Prodi, but is an approach that does not convince me. I mean, even if Prodi to go, this tax system would still not andarmi well. If it was a strike for a true federalism would agree, but if it is only a means to replace one with another, then no . "
Why is no longer part of the Northern League?
"The breaking point was the last Congress when it debated the house plan that did not speak of freedom and fiscal federalism in which they proposed to sell the goods of alienable common to reduce the public debt . In closing Congress Leoni said, "in Varese is a very serious problem: in some churches the Mass is said with the Roman Rite, while in others with the Ambrosian rite." At that moment I wondered that there was really doing in there ... "
And how do you explain the drift-conservative cleric in recent years?
"I can hardly understand him, but I get the impression that last boss does not have much over the reins of the movement, partly because of his health. On a Catalan newspaper was the news that three members of parliament in Brussels of the extreme right had been arrested, among essic'era Borghezio. The thing I was really thinking because the League conosciutoio I would not have been confused for an extreme right-wing movement. Unfortunately, the power has made us lose sight of the real reason they came: federalism. "
Lately there is much talk of security problems and the chronic inefficiency of Italian justice. such proposals to address the problem?
"should be given more powers and responsibilities to the local police in Catalonia have done so and I think Stian excellent results. Justice in Italy is very politicized and even in this context regionalization in order to create a virtuous circle that leads to copy the regions with better models. "
What do you think of the Bersani decree on deregulation?
" I'm definitely better than those that do not Berlusconi has done, in Bersani must give us at least acknowledge that tested. Besides, nobody in Italy wants to liberalize because politicians are constantly hunting for votes and have fear of displeasing some voters touching interest. "
inevitable question these days: an opinion on Cricket and accusations of populism that are moved.
"He threw some non-standard proposals in heaven or on earth, but sleeping in a country like this if there is one who asks questions and moves a little water, well venga.E then be statist and populist politicians is worse than being. "

Outlet Maritain Girbaud

Federalism and diversity

E 'in 1992, exactly 15 years ago, the number 2 of Micromega Gianfranco Miglio, during a conversation with Sergio Chisels-article (also available on Padani Papers No. 64-65, of March-June 2006) reflects on socialism and federalism. Thinking about the end of Soviet communism, identifies the two main points that led to the failure of the model of society or the certainty of income and employment for all and equality of income trend. Two concepts that are the leitmotif of the house next to ours, which periodically comes back to fear the specter of communism, collectivism, apparently unaware of the history, unable to understand that the guaranteed income, however, inhibits the drive to work and produce as well as prevent people, particularly those in the middle - low, as indicated by Miglio, to improve their standard of living, freezing the drive to gain.

Mile, with clarity, states that " without a strong dose of egoism, without the desire to be envied by others, there can be no progress or development, but economic stagnation ." The form of organization that more other is able to enhance the individual becomes one founded on pluralism, culminating in federalism Millet wrote "Politics the twenty-first century will be the prerogative of those who can get rid of old myths, claiming a pluralist and federalist choice, against the inertia generated by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe prevalence of the unit on diversity. " The keystone of federalist thinking is precisely the diversity ( or specificity), socio-political translation of the individual rights of ethnic-cultural Mile translated with the right to "be who you want (and who does it), developing its own peculiarities in free cohabitation rules to contracts, beyond the concept of commitment timeless.

We apply these ideas to the system tax and discover that there is no genuine federalism, fiscal federalism . why talk of fiscal federalism in our house, with a constitution that is not a federalist, with a country that is still highly centralized, it is at least improper . Then we go to the source of European federalism. On the Federal Gazette of July 24, the Swiss Confederation has published the Federal Council report on the impact of different policy instruments on Swiss federalism ( Without going into the technicalities of the document, a paragraph in the introduction is for the very nature of Swiss federalism, it describes the central elements of this system Mile considered the only form of federalism really accomplished. Cantonal autonomy (ie, shared sovereignty) and wide powers of participation in the cantons to the "determination of the will and the enactment of federal laws" are the heart of the Swiss.

cantonal autonomy, in particular, is expressed in the sovereignty of the cantons, the existence of its own constitution, elected independently of organs and especially in availability of own financial resources, the "famous" fiscal responsibility does fiscal federalism crucial to recognize the discriminatory federalism. While in the heated debate that has long life to the Swiss political community about a possible entry into the EU is a firm that seems not to be questioned, it is the authority of the cantons in revenue, a sacrosanct principle and essential that sinks roots in the very essence of the concept of federalism. The Report which I have quoted in paragraph 6.4.1, states, "Unlike other federal states (eg Germany), taxes are an important element of competitiveness as a business location from the cantons. Tax competition is one of the causes of the tax in respect Low force in Switzerland. It consists of three elements: the autonomy of cantonal revenue given by the power to fix the tax laws, the autonomy of cantonal expenditure data from the determination of the estimate and the financial equalization accomplished at the federal level, which will partly compensate for the cantonal disparities. "

in the Swiss cantons, therefore, the people, parliament and government acting independently on taxation and expenditure for the community. Fiscal federalism, the report says, is an important part of Swiss federalism and plays a crucial role in it to ensure its vitality. A conviction which allowed the Federal Council to respond firmly to the European Commission officially adopted in February that illegal tax privileges granted to companies in the cantons, recalling that the EU fiscal autonomy is enshrined in the Constitution and that tax competition taking place in federal government has shown so far to work well. On the other hand is not a coincidence that in the ranking for GDP per capita published in Il Sole 24 Ore last Aug. 20 Switzerland is one firmly in charge with $ 49,995, ranking, however, tells us something more, we suggests a way to change, in the first ten countries in the world, in fact, have four federal structure; behind Switzerland, there are in fact the United States, quarterfinals, Canada, Germany ninth and tenth. (Just for the record, we are 19th with $ 26,095).

Chiara Battistoni